Have you heard of the 1915 Armenian massacre?
Oct 12, 2007 02:34
  • ZOEY
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Recently, US House Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee approved the resolution that the 1915 massacre of many Armenians done by Ottoman government Turks was a Race Genocide. At present, this resolution goes to the House floor, where representatives will hold a vote in the near future.

This move has really made Turkey angery. Turkey has said that resolution is an insult and will surely damage the bilateral ties. On Oct. 11, the Turkey said that they would recall its ambassador to US. Bush and the White House warned that this resolution would cause great harm to US ties with Turkey. However, the Foreign Affairs Committee still stuck to their stance.

Last year, French passed a resolution that rules any people who deny the Armanian Genocide whill be imprisoned for a year and fined about 56000 dollars. The Turkish learders denounced that it had greatly damaged French ties with Turley.

Why is Turkey too sensative on this issue? All previous governments deny that it is a genocide. This issue has been disputed for a long time. However, no agreement was made. Do you know Armenian massacre? What do you think of it?
Oct 12, 2007 09:10
  • JCNILE123
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Sadly, my dear friends, it is, it has been the doctrine of Islam to conquer the world
by conversion or dead to the infidel and the non-converted.
The term “dead” is a two edge cutting sword, open to interpretation by any Muslin,
the end result is that some, to that end the “majority” think of an spiritual dead,
executed by the gods,
Most other religions; Christians included have the same interpretation of dead, as
the majority of Islam believers; it is a spiritual dead, or better-said dead after dead,
(if an individual; meaning you and me). Any non-converted individual fails to convert,
but it is your personal matter and business.
The most radical arm of this idea are the individuals that are empowered by
a radical force of understanding the teachings of Islam, this groups have been , are
and always will be dangerous to society it self, because they see their self’s as the
arm of god, the executors.
The driving force behind the Armenian massacre was Islam believers, versus
others, non-Islam believers, fuel by the forces of hate and inequality.
If my understanding of this matter is wrong, I love to hear from others that
understand this better. So, I can learn.
Oct 13, 2007 01:30
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The Armenian Genocide is an historical fact but one that is not widely known.
It is not taught in the UK to my knowledge at High school level.
I would suspect that the Turkish Government would hope that there was no one left who remembered it.
But Armenian immigrants in Oz still remember.
I do not know enough about it to comment on whether it was driven by religious or ethnic motivations.
Oct 17, 2007 04:00
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Is it due to religious dissent? I wonder what the real triggering factors are?
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