Is Hitler a bad military commander?
Oct 19, 2007 02:02
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The Second World War ended up with the failure of German. For a long time, many military strategic and tactic analysts held different opinions on the reasons for the failure of Germany. Some believed that the most important reason for the failure of Germany was the poor leadership of Hitler. Hitler made a severe mistake in working out military strategy. He established two military forefront( battlefields). It was a devastating mistake. Russia and Western Europe were two powerful important forces. Fighting against two enemies exhausted German energy. It was doomed to be a failure since the outbreak of the war. Is Hitler a bad military commander?
Oct 19, 2007 03:33
GUEST25164 Yes
Oct 19, 2007 05:58
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Is Hitler a bad military commander?

FRANKENSTEIN, He was just bad overall.
Oct 19, 2007 06:47
Definitely bad overall, but I believe the early successes of the German forces owed much to the 'hands off' style adopted by Hitler - where the German military commanders were given immense freedom of action, and Hitler just paraded around and made grand speeches as the 'figure-head'. Although the ultimate defeat of the German forces may have been inevitable, I believe the conflict was substantally shortened by the disasterous leadership provided by Hitler in the later stages of the war, when he changed from the 'hands off' style to one where he tried to make all the decisions, and his military leaders became afraid to act independantly.
Oct 19, 2007 09:25
He was often though as being mad rather than bad by his own people, anyone who questioned him ended up in front of a firing squad or sent to the Russian front which probably as bad because not many came back from there.
Oct 20, 2007 03:42
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But thank God he decided to take controll as we might have lost against the Pros.
But as it stands it is 3 nil Alan.
Jan 10, 2008 15:38
GUEST20115 Stalin was pretty bad too, he fired most of his good generals before the war. It was mostly the winter that destroyed the germans, which also defeated Napoleon.
Jan 10, 2008 19:00
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Severe coldness gave germany one of deadly hits in later stage of war and I totally agree that hitler's later strategy - dictatorship dug tomb for himself as well.
Jan 11, 2008 17:40
  • GRIZ326
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We should all be grateful that Hitler was a bad general.
Jan 12, 2008 08:18
  • JCNILE123
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As crazy as he was, he was good.

How can someone get so many people to follow and execute his orders to the "t" T of totalitarian?

I think he was crazy, yes; however, he was a great (evil) leader.
Jan 14, 2008 03:50
GUESTROAM Hitler was said to be very obedient when he was a child. No one can imagine he became a dictator after he grew up. On the contrary, Franklin Roosevolt and Winston Churchill were very naughty when they were in their childhood. Kids changed dramatically after they grew up.
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