What do you think of this advertisement?
Oct 22, 2007 02:13
  • ZOEY
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According to sources, a poster advertising tourist destination along a freeway from Mianyang to Guanyuan in China's Sichuan province reads that if you come to Zhaohua ( a region in Mianyang), you will not miss your parents.

At first glance, this ads is quite eye-catching. After a second thought, there is something with this poster. It seems that this tourist destination is a place that makes people unfilial. I interpreted the undertone of this ads as that this place is an immoral or evil place which makes people evil.

Obviously, the advertiser wants to make its poster eye-catching; while, this act is how stupid. Frankly speaking, once I read such an advertisement, I will assurly not go to such a place, regardless how picturesque the destination is. What do you think of this ads? Will you go to such a place after reading the poster?
Oct 22, 2007 22:13
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Yes, the advertisement is improper. But why not travel there? If I was given a chance, I would go there to see whether I will miss my parents or not. If not, the advertiser should be responsible for his or her advertisement. Cheating tourists will make him or ner suffer.
Oct 22, 2007 22:25
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Wow, it is really a foolish advertising ploy. The advertiser seems to try to shoo away the potential visitors.
Oct 22, 2007 22:50
  • JCNILE123
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I think it tells you that you will have so much fun that you will forget mom and dad.
Do you remember as a child as you used to play and have so much fun?
that you forgot about your parents and their rules.
I see no evil, just a game of words, and an eye catcher that is all.
Oct 23, 2007 01:31
  • ELLEN77
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I think the ads came from a Chinese litarary quotation of '乐不思蜀', which means that it is such of fun that you even don't miss our hometown. The quotation itself really has a derogatory meaning.
This ads also will not lure me to this place. We all treasure our family and homeland much at the bottom of our heart, no matter what happiness the others bring us. So the ads designer is just not wise to find such a subject for comparation.
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