Two beggars with their camels
Nov 6, 2007 02:00
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0n Novevbem 5, two men with outdated clothes begged at the blatant Tianke Road in Guangzhou city. Suprisingly, the two men led a skinny camel respectively. The men asked their camels to kneel down towards bystanders. Seeing the poor thin camels, many bystanders were moved and gave some money to the owners. What a strange phenomenon!

A camel kneeled down to beg.

Nov 6, 2007 02:02
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The man kneeled down in front of a grocery.

Nov 6, 2007 02:05
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Standing at a plaza, the skyscrapers make a sharp contrast with " ship of the desert".

Nov 6, 2007 02:07
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A local resident was touched and showed his generosity.

Nov 6, 2007 02:11
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I just wonder if the guys gave money to the "beggars" for the sake of the Camels or the beggars themselves. What do you think of the two "beggars"? Will you give them some money?
Nov 6, 2007 02:11
GUEST41212 It is normal for a camel to go on its knees - it is not begging. The man is a trickster, I think.
Nov 6, 2007 02:15
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They could not support themselves. How can they feed the camel? I am just wondering where they get this camel.
Nov 6, 2007 02:47
They had to beg for the Camel otherwise he got the " hump " he he
Nov 6, 2007 03:21
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Don’t give up your day job Mate. Boom boom.
Nov 6, 2007 06:42
Some wish I would Dodger, they have to put up with all day! he he
Nov 6, 2007 07:29
  • JCNILE123
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In a capitalistic world, ingenuity is the mother of riches,
In addition, since the men were begging they were just creative enough to get people’s attention.
Hope they do not forgot to feed the source of their income, the camels.

Nice pictures!
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