RE: Zengcheng People - Are you from Sun Gai Village?
Nov 7, 2007 16:30
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I can't seem to reply to the original thread so I've started a new one.

I've just visited Sun Gai village and would like to talk to anyone who has
a connection or interest in this place.

My grandfather emmigrated from the village at age 13 in 1938. He joined
his father in NZ. The trip I just did at the end of October was my first to
the village and it was only the second time anyone from my grandfathers
direct family line has ever visited since he left (my parents visited 11 years

If anyone wants to discuss anything about the village, please post here.
Nov 26, 2007 01:38
GUEST80196 Hi Kiwi - I'm from Auckland and can help you with your Sun Gai quest. email me|focuson21
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