Middle East: the lasting gunpowder barrel
Nov 9, 2007 01:19
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Middle East has been a hotspot for centuries. Particularly, since the late 19th century, the Middle East became the most instable region in the world. After WWII, the United Nations Resolution divided the Jerusalem into two parts. Since then, the conflicts between Israel and Palestine has never stopped. Today, Israli and Palestinians are still in hostile confrontation. Suicide bomb occurred frequently in the Checkpoints. The Five Middle East Wars claimed countless lives and caused a terrible problem-numerous refugees. This land is a explosive barrel.

In the foreseeable future, will it be possible to achieve permanent peace in the Middle East? What do you think?
Nov 18, 2007 21:07
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The complexity of the Middle East issue lies in its religious dissents and political motives. The focus of Israel-Palestinian Conflicts involves the status of Palestine and Jerusalem. Both Palestine and Israel claimed the complete control of Jerusalem. Jerusalem was viewed as 'the Holy City" by three religion: Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Jews views Jerusalem as the source of Hebrew. Palestinians regarded Jerusalem as their permanent habitats. The UN Resolution divided Jerusalem. The long-standing conflicts were triggered and lasted for over half a century. It will continue.
Nov 19, 2007 03:43
GUESTPOLO Leo, to paraphrase the title of one of your threads: God and Allah have deserted the Middle East.
Nov 19, 2007 15:05
  • GRIZ326
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The conflict will end when the world ends.
Nov 19, 2007 19:39
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You have no confidence in the prospect of Middle East. Is it possible that any one party of the Palestine and Isreal give up the territory of Jerusalem? If it is possible, there is the possuibility of peace.
Nov 26, 2007 03:29
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"The conflict will end when the world ends."

There is another solution: Jerusalem disappeared from the earth.
Nov 29, 2007 13:56
  • GRIZ326
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The concerned parties would fight over Jerusalem even if there was nothing there but dirt. That is why the fight will never end.
Nov 29, 2007 14:23
  • JCNILE123
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Middle East it is not about nothing more than hate, fanatic religious hate against any one other than muslin.
Remember, according to their teachings, any one other than muslin is to convert or die.
Moreover, it is not about religion only, but about a life style too.
You all woman, under the desire of their believe, are the must under appreciate and devalue creature,
Follow by homosexuals and criminals.
Dec 18, 2007 21:05
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"Middle East it is not about nothing more than hate, fanatic religious hate against any one other than muslin.
Remember, according to their teachings, any one other than muslin is to convert or die."


It is generally acknowleged that tjhe situation of Middle East is horrible, but may not be the case you desribed. You might exaggerate the situation. Have you ever been to Middle East? Is the aforementioned case is something you overhear?

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