VISA for China reenter from HK
Nov 13, 2007 18:59
guestkarl Hello
I am German and plan yourney to Mainland China and visiting HONG Kong, too in March

If I fly into Guangzhou with a Visa for Cina will I be allowed to visit HK for some days and return to China again.

As I know for HK no VISA is needed.

thanks for info and tips
Nov 13, 2007 20:50
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You are right, as a German citizen you do not need a visa for HK. However, ss far as the immigration authorities are concerned, when you pass the border to HK you are leaving China; so to go back to mainland China after your visit to HK you will need a new visa.

You have 2 options:
1. Make sure that when applying for a visa you ask for a double-entry visa. Then you simply use your second entry when returning to mainland China from Hongkong.
2. In Hong Kong you can apply for a new Chinese Visa. This can take anywhere from same-day to 4 working days, depending on how much you pay. Just remember that the visa offices are closed on weekends.
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