Spandex pants
Jul 12, 2009 22:34
GUEST68697 is spandex good when with 98% ddenim and 2% spandex cuz i dont want to look fat lol. even though i aint and sunnydream u need to shut upp wit that cuz i bet u have ur days wen ur fat or u used to be or somethin, stop cuz ill laff if u wear spandex and ur fat and see all ur lumps and ha
Jul 12, 2009 22:35
GUEST68697 is spandex good when with 98% ddenim and 2% spandex cuz i dont want to look fat lol. even though i aint and sunnydream u need to shut upp wit that cuz i bet u have ur days wen ur fat or u used to be or somethin, stop cuz ill laff if u wear spandex and ur fat and see all ur lumps and ha
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