Who is the most beautiful one in your eyes?
Nov 21, 2007 03:54
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A saying goes, " beauty is in the eyes of beholder". Judging from this saying, the notion of beauty can be quite varied since there are countless beholders in the world. That is to say, all of us are beholders. We have different understanding towards beauty. Some people regard as those who have a symmetrical face, a fair complexion, a crystal-like eye and a curly hair as beautiful; while some others believe that people who have a good temper and high moral standards as the right beauties.

Do you believe that some people viewed Socrates as the most beautiful person? Anyhow, we all have a set of standards for the notion of beauty? What are your understandings of beauty? Who are the most beautiful one in your eyes?
Nov 21, 2007 14:59
GUEST04245 Beauty is subjective to the person who is evaluating. Some people define beauty as physical. Others might also consider other attributes like character and temper. Beauty can also grow or lessen by time. Beauty is a combination of many elements that is personal to the evaluator. In my opinion, the greatest beauty has the ability to make someone fall in love. The weakest beauty only causes infatuation.

For me, my GF is the most beautiful person I have ever met.
Nov 23, 2007 12:34
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Okay, wow, that was the perfect response. Deep yet succinct. Oftentimes I have met a person who I did not think was that physically attractive, but the more I got to know their personality, their physical appearance started changing (not literally).

My ex-boyfriend was semi-attractive but had great character and the biggest heart. I thought he was extremely attractive when we were dating. I was looking back at pictures of us and realized that he isn't that attractive! Haha. I guess the way he treated me and the person he was when I was with him changed the way I perceived him physically. After awhile, it wasn't even about the looks.

- moondollars
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