Returning U.S.A.,for the Holidays. Returning to China for Holidays
Nov 25, 2007 19:05
  • Points: 349
  • Join Date: Sep 27, 2005
  • Status: offline
Leaving for the States from Guangzhou,on December 3rd from airport in the
Afternoon,going to the states for the Holidays.(Is anyone leaving Beijing
or Guangzhou,on this day?? please send me e-mail)This is the first time
in a year,since I have been home.Everyone concerned waits for me to
return to them,and bring them pictures of my Marriage and of adventures
of my travels.
Finally after getting use to Culture Shock,and the living in the Big City Life
I will return to the country.Living in my first real city,was different than my
earlier experiences in any part of my life.I have never had so many people
around me,constanly,for so long a time,at one time.Having everything
close by when you need it and just walking,or taking a Taxi,or bus would
get you there in no time,to make your purchases.Convenience is a very
good thing at times,and living in Guangzhou most anything you need is
always close at hand.
Guangzhou,Life has many positives,and not as many negatives as other
cities appear to have,while traveling.Guangzhou is a good Hub,for being
able to travel anywhere in China,as for its location,and the services which
are available.
Good Luck

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