How to deal with Family Violence?
Nov 26, 2007 01:45
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Yesterday was the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Why do we establish this day? We want to call on more and more people to eliminate family violence all over the world. Originally, family is the most warmest place for women. However, it becomes the hell for those unlucky women since they are abused by their husband.

A survey says that family violence occurs in 30 percent of the 0.27 billion families in China and men usually are the abusers. When conficts occur, about 28 percent husbands revile their wives, 12.1 percent kicking their wives and 9.7 percent smashing something toward their wives. Very sad to read the data.

On family violence, do you have something to say? How can we deal with family violence and solve this problem throughly?
Nov 26, 2007 08:32
I'm against domestic violence, It is one of the biggest problems for the police in England, it is not only the men beating their wives it's sometimes the wife beating her husband, either way it's not right and everything should be done to stop it.
Nov 26, 2007 11:31
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Problem not able to be solved.
Women often tell no one if their husband is beating them. There are many reasons for that.
The society should encourage abused women - and men too - to speak about their problems somewhere, which in case is happening nowadays more and more.

Maybe the main question is: why does people´s relationship, marriage, change from love and joy to hell?


Nov 26, 2007 14:45
  • GRIZ326
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There was a time in the US when the neighborhood men would have a meeting with the abusing husband to straighten him out. Now the responsibility is in the hands of the police.

The old way worked better.

In the new way, many women looking for advantage in a divorce accuse their spouse of abuse; even though the man has never abused them. It has become a legal game in many, many the truly abused women are forgotten.
Nov 26, 2007 16:02
  • JCNILE123
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He, he, Griz...I never hear of it, so, loaded of curiosity I stop by the old Indian Man house (my father) and ask, “never hear of it” was the answer.
So, I was wondering, could it have been before the native man arrival?
Nov 26, 2007 16:14
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I always say leave abusive relationships. There is no other solution. Do not expect that the other or the situation will change for the better. It will only get worse. I have known women who stayed in abusive relationships only to end up dead. No one deserves to be abused and you will only get abused if you allow it. Value yourself.
Nov 26, 2007 16:20
  • JCNILE123
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I have known women who stayed in abusive relationships only to end up dead.

Have you really known them?

If yes, how many have you known?
Nov 26, 2007 18:39
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I personally know two. One was suffocated by her BF using a pillow while her kids were on the other room. The other one "fell" down from the stairs while she and her husband were quarreling.
Nov 26, 2007 18:42
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Forgot to say, I volunteered for a short time in a Women's Crisis Center before. That's how I got to know them.
Nov 26, 2007 21:15
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Quote: Women often tell no one if their husband is beating them. There are many reasons for that.

Carlos, we have a saying in China: 家丑不可外扬. In English, it refers to 'Do not give publicity to family scandals'. To be more specific, people do not want to lose their face. Personally, I think that women should change their concepts and learn to protect themselves from being hurt. Compared with face, life is more important.
Nov 27, 2007 13:48
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Quote: 'Do not give publicity to family scandals'

That is one reason, Katrina,
one can be that some women are afraid they would be beaten more badly after their husband finds out they have told someone.
Maybe some think they can not survive without their husband´s finance, so better to take hits.
In Finland woman always gets kids if she wants them, so that makes leaving easier. Don´t know how it is in other countries.

"Compared with face, life is more important."


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