Research shows secondhand smoke damages lungs
Nov 30, 2007 00:18
I'm sorry about that, Iceblue. I had the same encounters too. Most of the time they would even blow smoke right in front of you. I think that is very rude. -_-

People who do that are ignorant scumbags in my book.
Dec 5, 2007 19:56
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I consider myself lucky to be living in a very progressive country in terms of smoking awareness.

Canada is considered to be among those countries at the forefront of anti-smoking legislation.

Most of Canada's provinces and territories have enacted laws to ban smoking in all public areas including restaurants, bars and the workplace.

I am grateful that I can enjoy smoke-free air whenever I leave my home and very rarely encounter cigarette smoke anymore.

When I was in China this summer I received a rude awakening as to how people live in other parts of the world, smoke-wise.
Smoking in restaurants was a big problem for me. I was happy however to see many people respond favorably when I asked them to put their cigarette out.

My biggest nightmare however occurred when I took a train from Guangzhou to Shanghai and had to breathe in smoke for most of the 30 hour trip.
Dec 5, 2007 19:56
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If you'd like to see how the world shapes up in terms of smoking bans and percentage of smokers, take a peek at this map. Click on a country and scroll down in the box to read more about each one.

China has one of the highest smoking rates in the world.
66% of men smoke in China.
10% of women smoke in China.

61% of men smoke in Russia.
15% of women smoke in Russia.

Canada has one of the lowest smoking rates in the world
17% of men smoke in Canada
14% of women smoke in Canada

24% of men smoke in the U.S.
18% of women smoke in U.S.
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