Why do men envy women? | |
Dec 4, 2007 00:46 | |
![]() | Have you ever asked yourself this question: why do men envy women: Here are some reasons: No.1 Women can lie in the piscina for an hour listening to music, reading magazines; whereas men couldn’t find a justifiable excuse to lock their wives out of the door of the bathrooms. Men at best dare sit on the closestool reading the sporting page of a newspaper. No.2 Men express their friendships through satiring each other or in a way of tit for tat; Whereas women often act like sisters, and support mutually. When a man lost his love, his male buddies said: “ buddy, there are countless flowers in the world. Why would you hang up yourselves in this tree? When a woman lost her love, her female companions would unite to form a powerful alliance to denounce the man. No.3 When a lady feels sad, she can cry loudly , and seek comfort by lying in a man’s arm. No matter how depressed a man is, he is supposed to swallow his bitterness. Even when he just wants to release his anxiety by drinking alcohol alone, he has to be cautious. He has to fear that he would be titled the infamy of “Drunkard”. No.4 Almost all the department-stores are infested with lady’s adornments, clothes, shoes, caps, shawls, necklaces, rings and headwear. Only several monotonous clothes both in style and color are available to men. Ties are no more novel. Women can adorn their nails to their heart content. Men will be mocked as ‘being sissy” if their nails are a little bit longer. No.5 Women can just make some “pin money”, preen themselves, windowshop, chat in teahouses drinking tea. Men are obliged to shoulder responsibility for their families. The central theme of men’s life is work and work harder. An extreme case is that if a woman marriesa man of wealth, she is envied as being fortunate and clever; while if a man marries a wealthy woman, he will be denounced as a playboy or a parasite who lives on women. No.6 If a woman screams after seeing a snake, she is regarded as being “very feminine”. If she faints, she is more pathetic. If a woman keeps calm in front of a snake, she is highly praised as a brave lady. If a man flees after viewing a snake, he is thought of as a coward. If he rushes to fight against the snake, he is still be blamed for being rash. If this man was bite by the snake, the women beside him gossip: “look, a stupid man was bitten”. |
Dec 4, 2007 21:44 | |
![]() | Wow, being a lady has so many advantages over being a man. Why haven't I never felt that way? I am lucky. Women have the privilege of being feminine. Don't complain, Johnny. |
Dec 5, 2007 01:26 | |
![]() | I think you opened " a can of worms " there Johnny. I'm not complaining myself, we men cant win whatever we do, so why try? Alan. |
Dec 5, 2007 01:29 | |
![]() | It is in our nature to try Alan, we usually fail miserably but at least we try. |
Dec 5, 2007 02:00 | |
![]() | No.3 is quite interesting. "When a lady feels sad, she can cry loudly , and seek comfort by lying in a man’s arm. No matter how depressed a man is, he is supposed to swallow his bitterness." If men do the same thing as women, lying in a man's arms. He will be regarded as a gay. If he cries loudly. People think that he is insane. So sad. It is reported that men should cry loudly to dispel their bad feelings and this is good for their health. However, we can't do it. |
Dec 5, 2007 02:42 | |
![]() | I think that's why some man want to be woman |
Dec 5, 2007 03:48 | |
![]() | So I need to me in touch with my feminine side more to be able to be a modern man. I think I may choose to stay in the last centenary and cry in private. Dodger |
Dec 5, 2007 05:46 | |
![]() | It is in our nature to try Alan, we usually fail miserably but at least we try. I know Dave, I sometimes I feel like I'm banging my head agaist a brick wall, but I'm like Dodger still in the last century. Alan |
Dec 5, 2007 17:15 | |
![]() | hehehe....wouldn't touch this one with a 10 foot pole! :-) |
Dec 5, 2007 20:13 | |
![]() | Why do men envy women? I never thought that they envy women, or should. On the other hand, I never thought that women envy men either. I think you have to love yourself no matter who you are. And actually, in most societies, if a woman marries a rich man, she will be branded as a goldigger, not fortunate and clever. ^_^” You are always in a position to alter your belief system. It takes a lot of courage to step out of conformity. I’ll never understand why people set standards for themselves to follow and then get all sick, bitter and stressed in trying to achieve those standards. Life is short. ^_^ |
Dec 5, 2007 20:30 | |
![]() | i don't think all guys envy women. If i were born again, I'd like to be a man. Men are more confident and can put themselves first without feeling guilty -- whereas women are often thinking for others, trying to diplomatic and have to be nice or else they will be called a b*tch. And i want to fart and burp loudly, and consider it bonding with my friends. I want to spend my childhood in more physical activities, and not be afraid of getting dirty or hurting myself. Men make more money too, and can marry younger women and raise families even when they are old. In some ways, guys have it better than women. |
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