Are you living happily?
Dec 6, 2007 01:13
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According to a survey, an index for measuring whether those rich Chinese (at least have one million dollars) are happy or not has dropped 0.29 %though their property have increased by 20.12%. Last year, the Forbes' Rich List revealed that about 37% US rich men felt that they were not as happy as those ordinary people. Another survey by a US university said Vietnam, Indonesia and Philippine were rated as the most happiest nations amongst the 80 candidate nations though the average GDP did not reach 1000 dollars. People living in these countries even felt happier than their counterparts in Japan whose per capita GDP was above 30 thousand dollars.

What does this suggest? That you are very rich doesn't mean you are the happiest in the world. On contrary, you might be unhappy or the unhappiest. The ordinary people or the poor also can have their happy lives.

Are you living happily, my friends? What does happiness mean to you? What kind of happiness are you seeking, money or something else?
Dec 6, 2007 02:13
Money doesn't mean everything,i content with my life so i think i am happiness!
Dec 6, 2007 11:22
  • GRIZ326
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"I've been rich and I've been poor and let me tell ya' rich is better." ...a quote attributed to Mae West.

For my part, money is useful but the affection of my dog and gal is free and priceless.
Dec 6, 2007 20:47
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It doesn’t take much to be happy. I just count my blessings. I am healthy, never been hospitalized. Worst that I had was a flu. My family and friends are always excited to see me. I work with good and supportive people. There are so many, many more reasons.

Happiness isn’t material. Happiness is an attitude. Just being alive is enough reason to celebrate.

Maybe things aren’t always going right but I try not to let it get in the way of enjoying life. There is no reason to be unhappy.
Dec 6, 2007 22:31
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No, because life is a bundle of unhappy events.
Dec 7, 2007 02:07
Life has it's highs and lows, and there is always someone who has it worse than me,
I'm happy wih my life in general, which is about to a whole lot better.
Dec 11, 2007 20:27
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Quote: Happiness isn’t material. Happiness is an attitude. Just being alive is enough reason to celebrate.

Yes. But some do not know this. Peopls are too greedy. When they become millionaires, they are dreaming of being multi-millionaires. For them, money can bring them happiness. They never know that happiness can not be bought and measured by money till they die. So sad.
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