What is the reason for learning Chinese for you?
Dec 9, 2007 01:26
  • STELLA8455
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Hi, I'm a Korean girl, and studying Chinese literature and Chinese language in universy. I've decided to study Chinese when I came university.

First, Korea is near to China geographically.
Second, China has so many potentials because of their wide land and much population.
Third, many Korean companys make inroads into China market.

I'd like to hear others' reason to study Chinses.
Dec 9, 2007 01:37
  • JCNILE123
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I like to learn, as I plan to reside in China in the future as my dear girl friend wants, after some time together in the USA after marriage.
Dec 10, 2007 01:46
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So many reasons.... but mainly:

1. I live and work in China, so it's only right that I learn a little of the language.

2. Language is a key to culture and knowledge, and I want to learn more about China, so learning the language is a big part of that.

3. I'm very independent, I don't want to rely on others and use an interpreter, so I MUST learn it. want to talk to local people and my Chinese friends, I want to order food and buy my own train tickets.....

I will never forget the first time I walked into a super busy train station and managed to buy a train ticket, all by myself, using Chinese. I walked out of the station filled with elation, I was soooo happy :)
Dec 10, 2007 18:20
  • STELLA8455
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I have an experience felt similart thing with you. When I was in Bejing last year, I planned to go travel to Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou and Huangshan. So I organized routes and reserved hotels and trains for myself. After I finished my trip, I was soooo happy, too :)
Dec 11, 2007 23:18
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Hope you enjoy your studies. I would love to study Chinese Literature, I have read the English translation of 西游记 (Journey to the West) and really enjoyed it. I also love Chinese poetry.

Dec 12, 2007 23:45
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These means , we are learning Chinese for our personal and different interest.
Dec 13, 2007 19:56
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When I read about all your responses, I thought to myself…well, not that I am saying there is no possibility, but right now, there are no plans for me to work and live in China (a girl can change her mind, you know?), so why learn Chinese? I am interested in learning Chinese but I am painfully slow at it because I have a full time job and other interests. I love China and I plan to visit there every year, hopefully at least. I know how hard it is to get by without knowing the language. Like most of you, I wanted to be able to get around and buy stuff on my own. I am pretty independent too and I loved being able to go to places in China on my own terms. I don’t want an interpreter or a guide (especially not group tours!) but it would be great to have friends. I was alone on my first trip to China without knowing anything except xiexie and ni hao. ^_^”
Dec 14, 2007 03:46
I want to learn so that I can join in with conversations and make myself understood, it will also help me teach Jing English, we can learn from each other as we go.
Dec 19, 2007 20:44
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my reason for learning chinese is because i am chinese and it's embarrassing and makes me feel like an underachiever or not chinese enough if i don't know how to speak chinese and they do.

when i hear somebody who can speak chinese better than i do (who isn't chinese), i want to work harder to learn my language.

it's only, as you mentioned, good for business. i'd like china to be a big part of my career in the future as well.

- moondollars
Dec 20, 2007 02:36
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I started to learn Chinese as I am planning on travelling around China as a photographer and as I vist smaller villages I will need to speak the language.
Plus I now have Chinese gf so I want to learn about the culture too to improve our relationship
Dec 22, 2007 23:56
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I first studied Chinese at high school. Then it was mandatory to study a language and all of the other choices were European languages.

From my first day in class the appeal of a language and culture as old and interesting as China immediately took hold of my imagination. I adore the culture and language for many, many reasons.

Growing up in Australia our 'celebrated' history and traditions are no more then 2 centuries old.

After High school I was in the military for a number of years and had no opportunity to continue my studies. This year was my first year in almost 8 to study Chinese again.

My Chinese isn't that great and despite a passion to speak fluently it takes a lot of time to learn to write and speak without mistakes. I can only hope my Chinese will continue to improve and one day my fluency will mirror my passion.

I wish you all the best also in your studies, 加油!!
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