Do you mind if your lover has a plastic surgery?
Dec 12, 2007 00:26
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In today's society, many women even men have plastic surgery.

Supposing that one day your lover (BF/GF) wants to have a plastic surgery (or he/she has had a plastic surgery), can you accept him/her again, because she/he might look completely different.

Do you mind if your lover has a plastic surgery?
Dec 12, 2007 11:31
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Why would my wife like to have her eyes changed more western like? The eyes I feel are the most beautiful I have ever seen! To attract me?
Why would she like to have her lips different? The lips I have kissed so many times? To attract me? Different ears? To attract me? Why to get new breasts? To attract me?
If she would, would she then expect me to like her looks more? Expect me to love her more? Expect kissing her lips to feel better to me? Expect I would whisper my love even more to her new ears? Expect I would be more exited when touching her new breasts?

I know it is all about getting her/himself more socially accepted, or accepting oneself more socially.
To me, it would be an insult, though.

Dec 12, 2007 12:16
  • GRIZ326
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I like her just the way she is!

An old and dear friend of mine did have breast augmentation surgery. She was always embarassed that her breasts were small. I told her that her breasts looked perfect to me. She had the surgery despite my efforts to convince her not to have it.
Dec 12, 2007 19:44
  • JCNILE123
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I do not oppose it, but I would let her know that I love her silicones, or her silicone look is so good.
Then, she would divorce me because she would hate to hear me.
Therefore, my advice to her will be, do not do it, if you do not want to hear me.
Dec 13, 2007 10:06
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Ah Gris, we have opposite experiences (no surprise?!). One once dear to me ha dher breast reduced. I was opposed but she was adamant, so I supported her (though I suppose she needed less support after the operation!! Oh bad joke). It was very important to her, the only rational option was to accept it.

Wouldn't mind some myself... stretch the cheeks back a few cm, raise the eyelids, a few grams of grey matter that have succumbed to the red wine...yeah sounds good!

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