Would you marry here?
Dec 20, 2007 06:07
Restroom newlyweds flushed with joy
A couple in America have had an unusual start to married life - choosing to get hitched in a public toilet.
Lovebirds Jennifer Cannon and Doy Nichols from Lexington, Kentucky got married in a New York restroom as part of a publicity stunt for Charmin toilet tissue.
The company hosted the event in their "Charmin Restrooms", the Big Apple's only free luxury public bathroom facility.
Jennifer wore a gown fashioned from glue, tape and Charmin Ultra Soft and Ultra Strong toilet tissue.
"I'll probably get a lot of jokes for the rest of my life," she said.
"Had a lot of people saying if you start crying you know where to find the toilet paper."
The pair, who had never been to Manhattan, entered the contest after deciding an all-expenses paid trip and wedding was worth the ordeal.
Groom Doy Nichols was sold on the idea once he saw the toilet paper dress.
"I seen a picture of it on the internet, of what the dress could look like and I thought it was very, very beautiful," said Mr Nichols.
The Nichols plan to renew their vows in a more formal ceremony next year.

Is this another marraige down the pan? he he
I hope Jing has better plans for me!
Dec 20, 2007 07:19
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There used to be a saying: "Only in America".
Dec 20, 2007 14:36
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Is nothing sacred any more?
No wonder divorce rates are so high. in the US .They have turned Marriage into a total joke.
Dec 21, 2007 02:44
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Thats really unfair to group all Americans into a category by the actions of those two who chose to sully the sanctity of marriage for a dream vacation and a bit of fame that will disappear as quick as it came.

I believe in any place in the world there is a percentage of people who will do things like this and there are also people who will do whats right as well.

For example, here in California there is huge debate amongst people who believe Illegal Mexican Immigrants are contributing to the crime and and general degradation of public schools because of Illegal Immigration. Yet they don't see that these people ARE people who are looking for better lives just like anyone would and are basing there judgments on the few who choose to sell drugs or steal. Heres an interesting story on an Illegal Immigrant who was crossing the border Illegally and saved a boys life:

Dec 21, 2007 19:38
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Heheā€¦ Alan, are you going to get married at the Great Wall? (^_^)/
Dec 22, 2007 01:48
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Great Wall?
Not a problem as it is historical place and best for Alan to remember.
Dec 22, 2007 02:12
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hey Destruckdoz, my comment wasn't said in great seriousness..... but the phrase came about I guess because people do have the freedom to do things that might not be permitted elsewhere.

And I certainly agree with your comment on illegals. (Who the rich just love to employ because they are so cheap. "I have one so don't let any more in!")
Dec 23, 2007 05:04
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No harm done.

I live in Silicon Valley (Tech Capitol) where we have such a diverse ethnic population that we still have a few people running around accusing Indians of being terrorists just because they wear a turban and style a beard. I am not trying to pick a fight, but I gotta give my 2 cents.

Take it easy,
Dec 23, 2007 20:24
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Very creative idea. As long as they like, it is ok. But for me, I wouldn't have a try. I read that a couple held their wedding ceremony on a boat in a lake. Very romantic! If I have money, I will hold my wedding ceremony on a boat too.
Dec 24, 2007 01:23
It looks like I will be getting married in Changsha, other than that I have know idea what Jing has for the wedding planned, all I want is for the day to go well and for Jing to be happy.
Dec 24, 2007 08:53
  • JCNILE123
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Alan, It will be good and memorable.
The wedding place,
It will be a surprise for you!
He, he,
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