Men are more humorous than women.
Dec 29, 2007 22:20
  • AL32
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So, was is the joke hormone??

"The researchers say it was because men have to face fierce competition in choosing a mate when they become adults. The abundant Hormone makes them aggressive and naturally prefer joking."

Wow!! this conclusion sounds to me like a big joke on its own.
We have more hormones that makes us aggressive yes. We have a harder time dealing with our emotions yes. But fierce competition in choosing a mate and a wheelbarrow race to link all this to why we have more humour..??? I'm a scientist myself, but those researchers have way too much imagination sometimes, I tell you!

Dec 30, 2007 02:34
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I personally find woman with a sense of humour very sexy (perhaps the wrong word here) but wit and humour are the foreplay of love as the good bard said.
Perhaps these researchers have too much time or funding on their side.
Who was it sung always look on the bright side of life..ha
Jan 2, 2008 22:06
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What? That's ridiculous.

What about those female comedians like Maggie Cho (as with many others)?

This research statistic doesn't make any sense to me. How many people did they use for the research? Which section of the population? Where was it done? What were the controls?

You can't just say men are funnier than women. This can vary in many different contexts.

- moondollars
Jan 2, 2008 22:25
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Then, it's settled. Researchers are more humorous than normal people. O_o
Jan 3, 2008 19:39
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From my personal experience, I met numerous dull men. They are too stubborn and phlegmatic. Some men don't have a trace of humor. Hard to get along with them. Women are generally easy-going.
Jan 4, 2008 20:36
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Sunnydream, it was only recently that I learned that there are some men who don't smile because they think it is not manly to smile or even show any kind of emotion whether positive or negative. LOL! They want to look so stoic all the time. They think they look cool. Ah.... if they only knew... ^_^
Jan 5, 2008 20:59
  • AL32
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Well, all I say is this ain't me; I'm Mr. smillin in person..

Life's too short to be sad; keep smiling!!

hehe...hope I'm not scaring anyone with this picture

Jan 5, 2008 21:45
GUEST31314 wow. that is some smile. i would be scared if i saw him in person.
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