Hide an obscure affection to your sweetheart or just bring it out?
Dec 28, 2007 03:51
GUESTLASS When I was a little girl, I loved a boy who was neighbor, we played together at that time, and everyday was a happy day!!
But for some reasons, I had to make a move, so i had to say goodbye to him. At that time, I was sad and unhappy, I didn't want to move away from him, I want to stay with him for ever. But I didn't have any course to tell him all about this; I just left quietly, without any words.
And now, I still treasure this puppy love, although I felt sad at that time, yet when I recall this love, i feel sweat and cute.
Dec 28, 2007 18:34
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I remember those times, too, Guestlass. In high school, I had this big crush on a boy for almost 3 years and to this very day, I can still remember how he looked like when he was walking at the quadrangle with his red backpack. I never said anything to him and even though we knew each other, I could hardly utter a word when he was around. All I could ever do was just look at him from afar. Yea, sweet young love. ^_^
Jan 2, 2008 22:00

We two share similar experience. Let's forget the immature "puppy love". I don't regret about the choice I have made. There is always a soulmate waiting for me at a certain point of my life. Learn to look forward not backward. There is no way back into love. Future is more alluring than the past.
Jan 2, 2008 22:21
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No regrets here either, Guestlass. It was a sweet memory and I am not ashamed to say that. I‘m not sure about the soulmate thing. I used to think that every boyfriend I had was a soulmate and I was like, wait a minute, how come I have so many soulmates? LOL! I thought you’re supposed to have only one?

I live my life as I go along and enjoying every minute of it. I’m not consciously looking for someone but I know that that time will come. Somehow, life has a way of working things out. Goodluck to both of us! ^_^
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