Nude Wedding
Dec 27, 2007 02:53
  • LEOPOLD219
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According to Russian media, nude wedding is becoming popular in Japan. Surprisingly, at the wedding, the bride and groom do not wear wedding dress, but be in nudity from head to toe. Even the invited guests take off their clothes inspired by the emcee. The emcee is also naked. The bride and groom must attend the wedding in nude. The parents of the new couple generally dress up decently because of the influence of traditional idea. It appears that nothing is queer in this fast changing world.
Dec 27, 2007 06:46
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Nude wedding?
Where are we going?
Dec 27, 2007 11:31
  • GRIZ326
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>>>It appears that nothing is queer in this fast changing world.

So true. ROFLOL!!!
Dec 27, 2007 18:57
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So no Giorgio Armani suit for the groom and no Vera Wang wedding dress for the bride? Sounds economical. LOL!

Guess they’re so ready for the honeymoon. It is said that people do irrational things when they are in love! O_o
Dec 28, 2007 11:17
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Strange that non-nudists would do this. It sounds to me like a fake newspaper report.

Of course nudists have been doing it for years. It seems logical and reasonable that they should do so.
Dec 28, 2007 12:59
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I have photographed many weddings in my time but never a nude one. I hope they get married in the summer cos otherwise the woman will be looking disappointed at her new catch.
Dec 28, 2007 14:38
GUEST10249 what a great way to save money. But please... wipe the seats afterwards...
Dec 30, 2007 03:00
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I would need months, perhaps years to get into shape for this event and one of those penises sheaf’s from PMG may help me.
Dec 30, 2007 18:42
  • JCNILE123
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(Of course nudists have been doing it for years. It seems logical and reasonable that they should do so. )

Yeah! nothing new at all.
Jan 2, 2008 10:43
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Some people are churchgoers, some people are nudists, some are both!

Jan 3, 2008 20:49
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Nude wedding? It saves lot of money for the groom. No need to rent wedding dress. LOL!
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