Is this thief worth our sympathy?
Dec 28, 2007 00:23
  • ZOEY
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To withdraw money from ATM is very normal. But what if you withdraw 100 yuan from an ATM and it gives you 1000 yuan? Abnormal, right? A guy uses his bank card to withdraw 100 yuan from an ATM. However, the ATM gives him 1000 yuan. More surprising is that only one yuan was deducted from his account. If you were him, what would you do, to return the money that doesn’t belong to you or just keep it? It is reported this guy took this ‘magic’ ATM to withdraw 175,000 yuan in all. Finally, he was arrested and was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Some netizens said that the punishment was too severe and the bank also should be responsible for this. If ATM was ok, that guy wouldn’t get a chance to take money that didn’t belong to him. Moreover, some people the verdict was not fair. The president of Guangdong Higher People’s Court took a bribe of about one million yuan and he was just sentenced to 15 years imprisonment. The president of Guangdong Intermediate People’s Court took a bribe of 180,000 yuan and was just sentenced to 3 years imprisonment.

“If the People’s court shield those corrupted officials and sentence them lightly but sentence the ordinary people severely, how can they convince the public?” A netizen said.

What do you think of it? Should the guy be sentenced to life imprisonment?
Dec 28, 2007 01:25
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Life is a harsh punishment. He was given an unfair opportunity to profit from a machine error, I doubt if many people who have gone back to tell the bank if it was a one off occasion.
Dec 28, 2007 04:10
As Dave said, life is bit harsh, had his greed not got the better of him he might have got away with it.
So I Don't have a great deal of sympathy for him.
Dec 28, 2007 09:56
  • GRIZ326
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IMO - a thief is a thief; off with his head.

...but you just posted the real answer to this in another thread, Zoey:

只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯 (Zhi 3 Xu 3 Zhou 1 Guan 1 Fang 4 Huo 3 , Bu 4 Xu 3 Bai 3 Xing 4 Dian 3 Deng 1) --- "the magistrates are free to burn down houses, while the common people are forbidden even to light lamps" or "officials are free to steal horses, while the common people cannot look over hedges"

Dec 28, 2007 10:06
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Yes, it just is like that, the law is not the same to all people.
The law is just like the judges read it.

I would say to that thief: When You get out, learn to play golf and know the right people. Oh, You don´t get out, sorry. Maybe should have learnt before or think twice.

Dec 28, 2007 11:10
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Most unfair. An old saying is "One law for the rich, one law for the poor".

Viva la revolucion!
Dec 28, 2007 15:05
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The sentence does appear to be a little harsh on this bloke. If he had half a brain he would have known that the bank would be able to trace the money back to him.
But I have to admit to my own crime here; many years ago I found a vending machine that was not working properly. After putting in six pence you just had to keep pressing the button and another Mars Bar would fall out. I was never caught but was punished by nature. I still remember talking to the big white telephone for hours after, and that was before they where invented…ha
Dec 28, 2007 19:06
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Tragic! A commoner who commits the same crime will get worse punishment than a person of higher status. Many times, an individual with power will not get any punishment at all. No wonder everyone just wants to be rich and powerful because it can let them get away with almost anything. If it is any consolation, this is happening in almost any part of the world, not just in China.

We should stop this! We should not put up with this! Damn… now, I’m angry. -_-


Ok, I’m calm now… (^_^)

Ah… if we only rule the world…...umm…on the second thought, we won’t probably be any better rulers. O_o

Hmm… I think I am going to sign up for some golf lessons and rub elbows with the ‘right’ people. ^_^
Dec 28, 2007 19:16
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Well, I think that that guy should be punished but not be sentenced to life imprisonment.

Quote: Many times, an individual with power will not get any punishment at all. No wonder everyone just wants to be rich and powerful because it can let them get away with almost anything.

SHESGOTTOBE. You hit the nail on the head.
Jan 2, 2008 23:11
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I think this punishment is too harsh. How is it fair that the president gets a lighter punishment than a citizen. Most people given this kind of chance would do exactly what he did. It really takes great character to call the bank to tell them what happened. First, they don't even know if they'll be rewarded for their honesty. If they take the money, no one knows and they get something for nothing. But as Christians, we know God sees everything. But as a Chinese person, shouldn't he believe in Karma?

- moondollars
Jan 4, 2008 01:42
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The world is not as fair as we imagine. Some people have privileges while some not. Nothing more to say!
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