China Study Abroad Reviews
Apr 13, 2010 23:27
GUEST25184 I'm considering going to BLCU for a semester with CSA. I've heard so many bad reviews, but in my situation, i am going with my fiance, have been to china before, and dont need allot of support.

The main perk for me... is it true that they will accept financial aid through my current college? I am expecting a Pell grant this year, and am wondering if it will apply.

Also, does anyone know that approximate time it takes to travel from Peking University to BLCU? my boyfriend is studying there, so we'll probably be staying near, and i am worried about the commute everyday.
Aug 31, 2010 04:54
GUEST22932 its a good experience , its worth the price if you study hard. depends on the person
Sep 25, 2011 22:01
GUESTJAMES LI I used China Study Abroad for two years: one academic year in Beijing at Peking University and the next year in Shanghai at Fudan University. I had a wonderful experience with the company and really appreciated everything they did for their students. I had great apartments, great tutors, and great trips on the weekends. When issues (e.g., housing, medical, legal, visa) came up for their students, the CSA people were always there to help take care of things.

It's not true that a lot of Chinese people speak English these days. It can be a real hassle trying to navigate the system on your own at first. Even the department employees at the universities usually don't speak English, although Fudan was smart enough to recruit foreign students to help out during registration.

What a few CSA students did was to use CSA for just the first semester. After that, they knew enough (or had enough Chinese-speaking friends) to get their own apartment, find roommates, register at school, etc. They were able to save some money that way.
Apr 11, 2013 14:39
GUEST95117 I went to Qingdao and got paid to go for 11 weeks. It was a research program through the National Science Foundation known as an REU or Research Experience for Undergraduates. Check out the highlights of my trip here:
Apr 14, 2013 07:43
GUEST30245 Furthermore for Chinese language for the Universities they deal with are USD 1,300 only. So don't think about spending USD 17,000 etc. It was outrageous as i read the comments.
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