Shenzhen Airport to HKIA
Jan 8, 2008 23:19
guest19229 I'm flying from Zhengzhou to Shenzhen on the 30th of January, 2008. CAn anybody advise what is the best(cheapest) and detailed way to go to Hong Kong Hong Hum Station?

Thanks a lot.
Jan 25, 2008 04:27
GUEST45146 You are travelling on an internal flight to Shenzhen - you have two good choices. On arrival at Shenzhen Airport there is a transfer desk just outside of security where you can book the bus RMB180 from memory or take a shuttle bus to the Ferry Terminal which has direct transfer to the Skypier at HKIA - I think slightly more at about RMB200.
The bus will take you to the Chinese Border where you will go through immigration and take a bus on the other side to the Hong Kong Border and immigration before transit to HKIA.
I have taken both routes and prefer the ferry baecause it is quicker and more interesting.
There is only one downside to the ferry - you are "in transit" so unable to go "land side" on arrival at HKIA - the bus on the other hand, drops you at HKIA so if you had free time and wanted to go into HK City you are free to do so.
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