Shoes fit your budget
Jan 19, 2008 02:40
GUEST28216 I'm a drag queen from Australia and I can tell you that it's nearly impossible to find stiletto heels in size 45 or 46 in Beijing! I mean come on, what's a girl to do??
Jul 22, 2008 09:46
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The only use I can see from these shoes would be to wear them while planting seeds into the holes created by the heels(provided a person walked backwards), the rhinestone shoes to be worn at night for reflection.
Of course my neighbors and a few people passing by might (while I'm doing this) form a few opinions of their own, and not necessarily good opinions either.
And my response and ideas to this topic in the shoes themselves..... completely and absolutely worthless!!
Jul 22, 2008 21:25
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"I would consider comfort first before style." Never ever heard that from a woman before..ha
Jul 22, 2008 22:37
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LOL! Dodger.

Well, put it this way. Having callouses and sore feet are not sexy. And wobbling is so not sexy either. I don't even want to imagine falling flat on my face.
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