21st Century is a Century of the Pacific
Jan 25, 2008 02:33
  • BLUESKY001
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To look through the past centuries, there was a shift in the hubs of global civilization or dominance. Nile Civilization, Indian Civilization, Babylon Civilization and the Chinese Civilization experience a downturn since 13th or 14th century. Since the inception of Capitalism, these old agricultural civilization declined. From the 14th century to the late 19th century, Atlantic countries have dominated the global influence: Spain, Portugal and the UK. In late 1890s, USA began to take the place of UK’s dominant role. The hub of global civilization began to shift to the Pacific areas in 20th century. The rise of East Asia and Southeast Asia reflects the dynamic growth of Pacific area in the 21st century. The rise of China and India, the integration of ASEAN, Austria’s continuous growth, Japan’s powerful economic strength, South Korea’s export, the Superpower USA, the resurrecting Russia, the progressing Mexico. Look at all these Pacific countries and then compare it with the stagnant West Europe, can’t you tell that the 21st century is a century of the Pacific.
Jan 27, 2008 21:58
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Asian-pacific Region will be the most dynamic region in the Mid-21st century. This is no doubt, but as a group, West Europe's influence should not be overlooked. EU is a powful economic entity.
Jan 29, 2008 03:35
  • JOHNNY512
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International situation is unpredictable. Changes run faster than forecast. Southeast Asia has lots of uncertainties. Kashmir is a hot spot in South Asia. North Korea wants to go nuke. Economic disputes may compel countries to go for wars.
Jan 30, 2008 20:00
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No country will be a superpower at all times. The powerful Roman Empire has its rise and fall. History tells: the shift in international power is inevitable. A dynamic Asia-pacific region is on the rise.
Jan 31, 2008 12:46
  • JCNILE123
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21 century just began, I think we need to work harder and dream less.

All chips are on the table.

I just like us to know that there is a lot to be done.

Too many more years to past before the 21 century can be call, as it is now, I think it is too close to call.
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