Have apartment for rent across street from Sun Yat Sen University
Jan 27, 2008 07:51
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Looking for a new renter to take over my place. It's 2000RMB/month. Includes: Air conditioner, internet access, and telephone access, sofa, washer, refridgerator, TV, kitchen, dinner table and chairs, bed (queen) study desk, shelving unit. Very clean.
The location is perfect for any students who will be studying Chinese at Sun Yut Sen University. It is a less than 10 mins walk to the Metro subway station. There are plenty of nearby restaurants, fruit shops, cell phone stores, dept store, stationary. etc.
Must sign a 1 year lease but most likely negotiable if need to leave early...just need to find new tenant when you decide to leave to obtain your deposit. Deposit is 2 months rent.
If you're interested i can help you get setup and get acquainted with the surroundings.
My contact:|quanwaileem
+86 15817006104
Feb 10, 2008 21:25
GUEST26570 How many square meters in your apartment? Do you have any photos of the interior of the apartment and outside too if possible. Will be in Guangzhou in two weeks and can look at it then.
Feb 11, 2008 05:22
It is 28 meters squared. It is very comfortable for a single person and also very liveable if have a roommate.

Forgot to mention the apartment complex also has a spa/massage/workout facility including a pool, theatre, restaurant etc... There is also a small grocery shop that is inside the complex convenient to pick up miscellaneous items.

Please give me your email and i can send you a few pics of the place. You can first email me if you like|quanwaileem

Presently not many people are looking for accommodation since people are still on holidays for the Chinese New Year so the apartment is still available but it will get busier in the coming week.

Thanks for the reply.
Feb 13, 2008 20:34
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2000 RMB per month for 28 square metres seems like a lot to me. I pay the same for my 53 sq m apartment on Tianhe Bei Lu (which is thought to be one of the most expensive areas in the city). My apartment is on the 25th floor, has a balcony with a great view, comes fully furnished and kitted out with all the things you mention, is close to two metro stations, two large supermarkets, fresh markets, elctronics megastores, a wide range of Chinese, Korean, Japanese and western restaurants and is a (relatively) short walk from the sports centre, Grand View Mall and TeeMall.

I'm not offering it for rent as I'm perfectly happy living there. I'm just putting it up for comparison. 28 sq m - even fully kitted out - in the vicinity of Sun Yat-Sen university shouldn't cost as much 2000 RMB per month. Seems way over-priced.
Feb 13, 2008 23:44
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Thanks for your response Inspector Spencer.
Everyone here pays around the same price. Well at least the foreigners do. I've also been to other apartment complexes in the area and they were even pricer.

Maybe you should invite others to stay with you in your wonderland of a home. Ohhh what were you going to say...just putting in your two cents eh? Haha your one those idiots eh? Times must be tough...
Feb 14, 2008 00:33
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I relocate foreigners for a living. Usually it's corporate guys with big budgets, but I also relocate people who are living on a shoe-string. I'd never recommend anyone accepts a rental of 2,000 RMB per month for a 38 sq m apartment - no matter how nice it is.
Feb 14, 2008 00:34
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sorry, that's 28 sq m, not 38.
Feb 14, 2008 01:03
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Yeah i know who you are. DTZ
So you are so desperate to come onto my post and trash my place when you haven't seen a square inch of it hoping to get potential clients to sign up with DTZ collect your commisions and call it a day. You specialize in the high end real estate. So why would you care about my little 28sq foot pad?
Would you llike me to quote you?
Posted by Tom Spencer (125 days ago)

That's true. I work for DTZ and for the lower end of the property market we certainly recognize that the local agencies have the broadest selection of housing to offer. While we also source such low-cost housing, our real specialty is in the high-end properties that usually only expats can afford.

For the lower priced properties we know we can't match the local guys in terms of numbers, so we have to rely on the other aspects of our services. If you're a local and you can speak Chinese and know the Guangzhou market, then the local guys are your best bet. But if you're relocating from another country, want to set-up viewings before you arrive, need help registering with the local authorities, or need western requirements explained clearly to a landlord, then you're going to need the help of an international firm.
I'm not trying to screw anyone over i'm just looking to find someone take over my place. And there are many foreigners who live here and are very happy with this apartment and area.

I used to think that the local agencies might try to screw over foreigners. But actually they are very efficient, and they have many customers along with alot of property selection. Foreigners who come to China as long as they have a freind who can help translate should just go to the local agencies since there are so many of them. Not to someone like you. But hey it all depends...if your in business and looking to set up shop here then go talk to Mister Spencer.

But agents like you seem so desperate that they have to go onto a regular apartment rental posting and degrade it. Makes you wonder if foreigner agents like yourself are more likely to screw over foreigners more so than the local agents.

Either way all you agents are the same. Well to me it just seems you don't seem to have a shred of ethics or morals. Just dog eat dog.

I really don't appreciate your methods of business. I'm not sure what good your looking to achieve from it.
Feb 14, 2008 01:37
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Thank you for taking the time to check up on me and find out who I am. Yes, I work for DTZ, however I didn't mention the company in my original reply to your post because I am not trying to score business off your situation. This is a public forum and I offer advice on a range of issues if I know something about those issues.

I know something about real estate in Guangzhou. DTZ is the largest international property adviser in China and one of the top 5 in the world. Far too many foreigners are paying over the odds for apartments and I'm just offering a few words of professional advice when I say that your apartment seems over-priced.

You defend the high rent by saying "Everyone here pays around the same price. Well at least the foreigners do", and unfortunately that sums-up the rather defeatist attitude within some elements of the expatriate community that virtually ensures landlords will be able to charge them far more than they would a local. I can assure you that there are plenty of foreigners in Guangzhou who do not pay more for their apartments than local Chinese would pay.

As for 'ethics', 'morals' and 'dog eat dog' that makes all us agents the same, I feel I should leap to the defence of the company (and the profession) by pointing out that a) as already mentioned DTZ's normal business does not have much cross-over with the local agencies so there's no 'dog eat dog', and b) where we do encounter other agencies on the same turf we always work co-operately and split the commissions (which, being capped by law, just reduces our share and doesn't increase the amount paid by the house-hunter). We work very hard to negotiate the best possible terms and lowest possible rents for our clients and that's why we win corporate contracts - through a proven track record of integrity, openess and honesty.

I do not wish to impede your efforts unduly, and I wish you the best of luck in finding someone to take over the apartment. I will not, however, recant my observation about the seemingly high rental.
Feb 14, 2008 01:57
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I didn’t have to do much research…your on many of the forum posts. As you know it’s hard enough trying to advertise your place to foreigners.
Look I’m not the landlord. I didn’t set the price. I needed a place close to the school. Where I’m from 2000RMB for the location, furnishings and amenities is pretty good. Of course there are other places that are probably better but no matter where you live eventually you see a place that is better. What I don’t like is snakes like yourself who slither in and stick their nose in other people’s business. You could easily put up your own post and advertise your services but nope…you got to go on mine and dump on it. Why don’t you let people make up their own minds…most people I think can read if they’re on this website. Let em make their own decisions instead of them reading your bullshit used car salesman rhetoric. Basically you don’t see me trying to go onto your posts and slam your efforts. Yes it is a public forum but I guess there are people who have some sort of respect or courtesy they give onto others. I’m not in the real estate business and nor do I want to be in it but I know enough about agents to be careful of them. And you pal are one of them I don’t respect. If you don’t think I have a reason to be a little annoyed at you then you truly are a salesman. I’m sure your company is a large and respectable firm…it’s just the henchmen that work for them that people should question.
But thank you for making this post much more exciting than it really is. And i wish you luck in your business. Good day.

Feb 14, 2008 02:28
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Well yes, this banter certainly has kept the post at the top of the list, hasn't it? And so many views already!

Look, I really do hope you find someone to take over the rent. I've tried to be fairly even-toned and honestly haven't intended to 'slam' your posts. You say, quite rightly, that people can read and make up their own minds. I agree entirely.
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