Prohibit smoking in the restaurants!
Jan 31, 2008 19:23
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Good point, JC! ^_^
Feb 1, 2008 19:47
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Quote: "At the same time, government will save in the medical field, Lung Cancer any one?"

JC, the medical system in China is not good enough. Actually many people can't afford the high fee. Government should invest more and make more policies to improve medical system.
Feb 3, 2008 10:36
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I am visiting the UK now and it is my first trip to a country which has banned smoking in just about all builings including bars and restaurants. It is fantastic, and the businesses are not going broke. I read that smoking is now down to about 22%.

This relatively low level has taken many years to achieve. Some people have given up, but I guess the real success is that less people start. Slowly populataions realise that it is literally slow suiciide to smoke. The Beijing government has added momentum to protecting smokers and non-smokers alike. It is both morally and economically the right thing to do.
Feb 3, 2008 19:26
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I remember there is one country; I just don’t remember which anymore, that completely banned smoking anywhere. It took effect about 3 or 4 years ago. To achieve this, production and importation of cigarettes were made illegal.
Feb 17, 2008 21:29
GUEST12246 If smoking was newly discovered today, I believe it would be immediately banded under the same regulations as all other drugs, and therefore illegal with harsh penalties.

Why ? Because it would be thoroughly tested and they would find (what they have already found) which is that they contain thousands of poisonous chemicals, is ADDICTIVE through the nicotine and can lead to cancer and many other diseases.

Well, maybe I should make a new snack that tastes disgusting, makes everyone around the eater feel sick, is totally unhealthy (i'd put a big warning label on it to say it causes cancer and death of course) but as long as i shove some nicotine in it, i'll get a very loyal customer base. what do you think? oh yea, the government would make it illegal because the nicotine is bad, and i'm not legally allowed to make an addictive product ....

The sad fact of the matter is, the governments make so much from tax on these things, that they ONLY ban them in public places. its their way of saying, "well, ok, we'll protect the public interest in some ways, but, well, we're not going to ban them because we'll have a severe deficit in our budget otherwise"

so question that we should really be asking is :

why can we not TOTALLY BAN something that would be illegal if discovered today ?
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