Does anybody else feel the same?
Feb 11, 2008 01:38
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Chinese New Year celebration has always been a date that I reflected upon the past year. Since today is sort of the last day of celebration for me and my family, I was reflecting about this past year and some of the decisions I made.

One of them happened to be on this particular date exactly. I was sitting on a ticket to Guangzhou a long with visa, passport, RMB and travelers checks all ready with a departure date of 19 days. And in an instant I was ready to hand it all to someone else because I didn’t want to go. This trip was an arrangement made by my parents who wanted me to go back and see where our family comes from (a really poor village) and it happened to work out well for them since my aunt was playing matchmaker and marrying off my cousin to some Chinese girl there so I wouldn’t be traveling alone.

The only reason I agreed to go was that it was that it was paid vacation time as well as paid vacation expenses from my parents who happen to be my employer as well. So instead of staying here in the US to work for a wage, I decided to go because I didn’t have to work and get paid for it but the catch was that I would have to stay in the village for most of the vacation.

Which was why I was debating whether I should to go to china or not. A year later I am so glad that I had went to china and experience the culture there, meet relatives, and talk to some amazing people and how much it has changed me. But after my plane landed in San Francisco I wanted to hop on another plane going back. There was not a day that I didn’t think about going back to china and the last 5 months that ended today was all about going back but sadly, I am not leaving in 19 days. And quite certainly not for another 365 days.

Have any of you fellow members had the same feeling? I am afraid that I may end up in a mental hospital room down the hall from Britney Spears (just kidding) if I don’t go back to China next year.
Feb 11, 2008 02:47
GUESTMATCHMAKER China is a really an amazing country with it's scenic spot and delicious food,we all love China!
Feb 12, 2008 18:51
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I must admit that I shed tears when I left China. Heck, I was crying when I was packing my luggage. I was in a daze even at that time when I was waiting for a departure flight at Beijing Capital Airport. But I got over it pretty quickly because I know it won’t be the last time. Too bad for China, I will be back. LOL!

I have had the same feelings but not to the point that I’d go crazy and stress myself over it. Maybe I’m just naturally like this. I change the things that I can change but I won’t sweat the things that I cannot control. If I can’t do one thing, in the meantime, there will be other things to do. Having very diverse interests and hobbies help. Life is so full that there is no space for depression or regrets. Life is more colorful and exciting and I hardly notice the passing of time. Before I knew it, it’s time for my next vacation!!

Anyway, if you ever get into the same hospital as Britney or any hospital for that matter, just tell us so we can visit you. LOL! Just kidding. ;-) Chill out, ‘k?
Feb 14, 2008 01:41
I still have a tear in my eye everytime I go to bed at night wishing my Jing was by my side, as for China itself yes I miss that too, the friends made and the way I was always made feel part of thier group / family, yes, China is a very special place and I look forward to going again.
Feb 14, 2008 18:56
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Alan, don't shed tears in your bed. If you miss your Jing, just make a call and tell her you miss her very much. Hope you can reunite with your Jing and never apart.
Nov 24, 2012 13:57
GUESTGUEST GIRL Dude, don't cry. You can Skype with her!!!
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