What kind of job do you expect your spouse to do?
Feb 20, 2008 02:46
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What jobs do you expect your spouse to engage in? According to an online survey, air-stewardess, teachers, models and nurses are wecomed by Chinese male. air-hostess are the most welcomed. The reason includes that air-hostess is generally nice-looking, good-tempered and gracious. As to female subjects, the ideal occupation for the spouse is varied. Whatever the occupation is, the ability in making a fortune is one of concerns. What kind of occupation do you expect your spouse to engage in?
Feb 20, 2008 19:58
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Err.. geee… I never really thought of it that way!

Anything as long as it has all the following criteria:
a.) it is legal
b.) it pays enough to support both of us if I don’t have to work
c.) it is satisfying & fulfilling for him or at the very least, something that he can tolerate

If all I am concerned about is him making a fortune, then he better be a director, CEO or owner of a company. Better yet, an heir to a family fortune. Ah, so shallow. But hey, why not? I could fall for him! ^_^”
Feb 20, 2008 21:07
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I would fall for a guy who is humorous, considerate, lovely and responsible. He does not have to be very rich as long as he can support me and his parents. The reason why I want him to make a considerable amount of money does not mean I want to rely on him. Having the ability to raise his family is a matter of self-esteem for a man.
Sep 18, 2008 18:26
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to stay beside me under an hurricane or under the sun, i think this must be best occupation.
Luckily there is not so much difference anymore between man or woman in my place.....they will try to go on somehow and does not matter who raise the money or who clean the dishes. And lucky of our place parents does not need to be supported as they often hold house and receive pension from government after paid taxes during all their work life.....and unfortunately in the modern european society sons and daughters leaves parent's home later and later due to the luck of jobs, the crisis, the increasing of temporary jobs and the impossibility to buy houses that now cost so much than you will need an entire life working for pay one.
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