Crisis or a turn for better?
Feb 25, 2008 02:44
guestStock With the unexpected snow attack arriving, the mainland stock markets seems to step into its winter season though it rebounded a little sometimes. Just on Feb. 22nd, the Shanghai Composite Index went down 157 points to 4370. Many investors think that the bear market is coming. However, some people still believe that the market will be bullish again. Why? China's economy is still growing though it might slow its pace. On the other hand, those listed companies have made great profits in 2007 and it is estimated that the net profits of these listed companies in 2008 will have increased 30 percent. Lastly, Olympic Games will be the great momentum to the stock market.

What do you think? Is it a crisis or just a turn for better?
Feb 29, 2008 07:30
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The economic value from the Olypic Games is easily overestimated. The Olympics are such a small portion of China's economy. The investment has almost been completed, employment levels will decrease. All that remains is to get back (some?) of the money that has been invested. But remember, the workers who have completed have received all they will get, they have spent the money. Their customers have spent the money. The benefit from tthe Games is slowing down already
Feb 29, 2008 11:41
  • JCNILE123
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(((Crisis or a turn for better?)))

If China fails to take care of its majority (the extreme poor)

Moreover, I do not see how!

You just witness the best of China.
Mar 1, 2008 19:48
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''Olympic Games will be the great momentum to the stock market. ''

It could be coz mainland mkt is less driven by mkt force. however, olympic games takes place in summer, the season when mainland index usually dropps down to the valley and mkt activities are quite static.

JC, you are right, the gap between the poor and the rich is the key element of underlying social crisis.
Mar 2, 2008 19:01
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Some people think that Chinese economy will slide after the Olympic Games and it is the rule that has been proved many times. I don't know if it will become true. As Paul said, we shouldn't estimate the economic value from the Olympic Games.
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