Google shares hit its lowest point in recent 11 months
Feb 27, 2008 21:08
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A source says Google shares has hit an eleven-month low due to a report that revealed Google’s on-line ads clicks have reduced by 7.5 percent to 532 million in January compared with December. On Tuesday, Google shares went down 22.25 dollars to 464.19 dollars. The report also said that Yahoo!’s paid ads search also declines. Some analysts contribute the decline to US’s economy slide. Do you agree? Does it have something to do with MS's bid for Yahoo!?
Mar 2, 2008 20:48
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Well, I guess that Yahoo! case has something to do with this. Many share holders of Yahoo! actually have lots shares of Google. In the earlier time, Yahoo! responded to Google that it had underestimated Yahoo!'s value and its bid was too low. If Google really wants to merge with Yahoo!, it must raise its bid. This is bad for those share holders of Yahoo! who also hold Google shares meantime. Although Bill Gates has declared that MS won't raise its bid for Yahoo!, those shares holders are still worried about MS. This is my understanding.
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