How to write Chinese characters? | |
Mar 6, 2008 02:55 | |
| Here is the ofrder of strokes for writing Chinese characters. Hope it is useful for you. Source: 绝大多数的汉字都是由两个以上笔画组成,书写汉字的时候,有两个问题必须注意: The great majority of Chinese characters are formed by more than two strokes. In writing them two points should be taken notice of: 汉字的笔画具有方向性。汉字笔画的书写必须依照一定的方向运行:比如横,只能从左向右,不能从右向左,竖,只能从上到下,不能从下到上。 The strokes can only be written in certain directions. For example, the horizontal stroke should only go from letf to right. It would be wrong if it is done otherwise. Similarly the vertical stroke can only be written from top to bottom, never from bottom to top. 书写汉字时,许多笔画在一起,笔画的出现总要有先有后,先写哪一笔再写哪一笔不是任意的,比如“十”的写法是:先写“一”再写“丨”。笔画的先后顺序是有规律的,这就是笔顺规则,简称笔顺。 The strokes that are used to from a character should be written in a certain order known as “stroke order”, for instance, in writing 十, the horizontal stroke always goes before the vertical one. 笔顺安排的基本规则有 Basis Rules of Stroke Order: 1、先横后竖:十、于、丰、干、丁、 等。含上述字或部件的字,如木、芋、艳、刊、花、羊等,也是如此。 Write the horizontal stroke first and then the vertical stroke. For example, characters like 十、于、丰、干、丁, etc.; also characters that contain these parts, such as 木、芋、艳、刊、花、羊 and so on. 2、先撇后捺:人、八、入、木等。含上述字或部件的字,如大、分、树、艾等,也是如此。由于汉字中没有捺起笔的字,所以撇与捺不论是相交、相离、相接,书写时都是先撇后捺。 Write the left-falling stroke first and then the right-falling stroke. For example, characters like人、八、入、木, etc.; also characters that contain these parts, such as 大、分、树、艾 and so on. There are no Chinese characters starting with the right-falling stroke. So no matter the left-falling stroke intersects, parts or links with the right-falling stroke, the left-falling stroke first and then the right-falling stroke in writing sequence. 3、 先上后下:二、丁、立、李、昌、亨等。部分独体字和上下结构上中下结构的字一般遵从此规则。 Write the top first and then the bottom. For example, characters like 二、丁、立、李、昌、亨, etc. 4、 先左后右:一些独体字、左右结构、左中右结构的字,大部分是从左到右。如川、州、旧、构、部、树、衍、樊(上部)等。 Write the left first and then the right. For example, characters like 川、州、旧、构、部、树、衍、樊(the upper part), etc. 5、 先外后内:汉字的部分独体字和包围结构的字,绝大多数是先外后内。如月、母、同、凤、凡、用、叉、厅、历、虱、氢、勉、毯、赴、旭等。 Write the outside first and then the inside. For example, characters like月、母、同、凤、凡、用、叉、厅、历、虱、氢、勉、毯、赴、旭, etc. |
Mar 6, 2008 02:55 | |
| 6、 先中间后两边:小、水、办、承、业、率、兜、燕等。这里要注意的是“火”和“肃”,它们的笔顺不是先中间后两边,而是相反。此外“脊”也是如此。 Write the middle first and then the two sides. For example, characters like 小、水、办、承、业、率、兜、燕, etc. Characters like 火、肃and脊, however, are exceptional. 7、 先进入后关门(即先外后内再封口):一般是全包围结构的部件和字,先写上面三框,再写框内部分,最后封口。如回、田、目、国、圆、面、囱、卤等。 Write the inside first and then complete the character with a final horizontal stroke. For example, characters like 回、田、目、国、圆、面、囱、卤,etc. We usually write “冂” first, the inner part, and then “一” to seal the character. 以上规则是汉字笔顺的常见规则,但还不能覆盖所有规则。其实,较为复杂的汉字的笔顺往往是这些规则的综合运用,如“赢”字就包含先上后下、先左后右、先外后内、先撇后捺、后写内部点等规则。 These are the general rules of Chinese character writing. In fact, a complicated character may require integrated application of these rules. “赢”, for example, includes rules like first upper then bottom, first left then right, first outside then inside, first left-falling stroke then right-falling stroke, and point at the inner part at last. Chinese characters are complicated plane words. Each character has its own unique shape. You can grasp the nature of Chinese character writing now. Please go to 一笔一划写汉字 Let Us Write Stroke by Stroke (Animated) for animated demo. |
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