Macau to Shenzhen
Nov 17, 2011 13:55
GUEST81180 Hi. Im from phil. My family and i wants to have 1 day trip to macau and 1 day trip to shenzhen. Is it possible? We're arriving to hongkong on nov 19. Then we're going to have a trip hk-macau-shenzhen-hongkong. Whats d best and good suggestion for this? How much is the entry visa? Thanks
Nov 17, 2011 20:15

Originally Posted by GUEST81180

Hi. Im from phil. My family and i wants to have 1 day trip to macau and 1 day trip to shenzhen. Is it possible? We're arriving to hongkong on nov 19. Then we're going to have a trip hk-macau-shenzhen-hongkong. Whats d best and good suggestion for this? How much is the entry visa? Thanks

You can do a one day trip in Macau and Shenzhen. The entry visa to SHenzhen is CNY 169. But you might not get it if you come to Shenzhen for the first time.
Nov 23, 2011 18:11
GUEST07248 Hi i am a new zealander and looking at going to shenzhen from Macau, where would be the best place to get a visa to make this possible
Nov 23, 2011 19:47

Originally Posted by GUEST07248

Hi i am a new zealander and looking at going to shenzhen from Macau, where would be the best place to get a visa to make this possible

You can take ferry to Shenzhen Shekou Ferry Terminal. There you can apply for the visa on arrival. You have a great chance to get it. If you don't want to take a risk, you can go to Commission's Office of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of PRC in Macau to apply for a visa.
Dec 17, 2011 20:12
I plan to take a day trip to Mainland China for a look around plus shopping from Macau, which is the better city to visit..... Shenzhen or Guangzhou. ?

Which is the best way to do this. ? Ferry from Macau. ????

Can one get a Visa on arrival at either of the above mentioned places or must I get before I travel. ??
Dec 17, 2011 20:58

Originally Posted by GUESTBEV View Post

I plan to take a day trip to Mainland China for a look around plus shopping from Macau, which is the better city to visit..... Shenzhen or Guangzhou. ?

Which is the best way to do this. ? Ferry from Macau. ????

Can one get a Visa on arrival at either of the above mentioned places or must I ...

Guangzhou is better for shopping than shenzhen. It has many wholesale markets. If you are going to Guangzhou, you'd better obtain a visa in advance.
There is shenzhen visa on arrival, but not everyone can obtain it. What's your nationality?
Dec 26, 2011 14:19

Originally Posted by GUESTDAVE

Guangzhou is better for shopping than shenzhen. It has many wholesale markets. If you are going to Guangzhou, you'd better obtain a visa in advance.
There is shenzhen visa on arrival, but not everyone can obtain it. What's your nationality?

Hi, regarding this, it is very useful information, I am a Philippine passport holder currently working in Kuala Lumpur, I would like to visit see shenzhen as well on my next trip to HK on March, it was said on a previous entry that the entry visa cost CNY1**, but not everyone can obtain it if it is the first time visiting shenzhen. Kindly please advise further, it would be my first time visiting shenzhen, do you think I will have problems getting a visa from the Lowu border, if i enter from HK? Thank you so much in advance.
Dec 26, 2011 14:34
  • PEEJ
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Originally Posted by GUESTDAVE

Guangzhou is better for shopping than shenzhen. It has many wholesale markets. If you are going to Guangzhou, you'd better obtain a visa in advance.
There is shenzhen visa on arrival, but not everyone can obtain it. What's your nationality?

Hi, I am a Philippine passport holder and am hoping to enter shenzhen via HK when I visit on March, regarding your comment, not everyone can obtain it, is it possible for me to get an entry visa from the Lowu border when I attempt to enter shenzhen via train from HK?
Dec 26, 2011 21:18

Originally Posted by PEEJ

Hi, I am a Philippine passport holder and am hoping to enter shenzhen via HK when I visit on March, regarding your comment, not everyone can obtain it, is it possible for me to get an entry visa from the Lowu border when I attempt to enter shenzhen via train from HK?

Well, you may give it a shot and see if you can be granted with the VOA. If not, go to apply your visa in HK. Well, I suggest you get your visa ready in advance. Do not let it destroy your business in China.
Jan 5, 2012 21:48
GUEST71179 2 questions?
1) Is Hongkong dollars accepted in macau & shenzen?
2) Is WiFi freely available in macau & Shenzen?
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