Can money lessen punishment?
Mar 14, 2008 04:06
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In February 2008, news media reported that a guy who was the only child born in a wealthy family in South China committed a felony. The court ruled his life imprisonment. Now the only child’s parents are trying their best to change the sentence. The parents want to lessen their child’s punishment. At present, the parents’ lobby seems to take effect. The court is planning to investigate the case. Quite clearly, the guy is very young ( 20-25 something) but he killed someone. His wealthy parents are trying to use money to compensate for the family members of the victim in order to work out the sympathy over the jury and the victim’s family members.
Can money lessen punishment?
Mar 14, 2008 23:03
  • GRIZ326
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OJ Simpson is the poster child for manipulating the legal system in the USA. I do not know if money buys a lighter sentence for criminals in China. ...but I imagine that money, power, influence works the world over.
Mar 15, 2008 12:36
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O.J. may have gotten away with his original sin, but the legal system has caught up with him for other crimes committed and I think he is now behind bars(?). But, for the most part, "it's follow the money" when it comes to justice between the "haves" and the "have nots".
Mar 15, 2008 21:54
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All the countries are almost the same. Now matter how perfect a country claimed its law system to be, laws have always left loopholes for privileged class. Law is a set of rules stipulated by a group of people to rule other groups.
Mar 15, 2008 22:14
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all good points Griz and Leonardo
Mar 15, 2008 23:24
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It is said that there are two kinds of justice in this world: One for the rich and powerful and one for everyone else.

My country has had this share of spectacles, too. About a decade ago, a son of a powerful politician killed the girl who rejected his advances. It became a very controversial case that was covered on TV day and night. Justice crawled but right now, the guy is serving a life sentence. However, it wasn’t easy as his rich family tried all they could to manipulate the legal system, even made famous personalities vouch for his son. It even became a hotly debated topic: What if your own child is in this situation, would you try to bail him out?

Another case was when a rich businessman shot another man just because of a traffic incident. Just a simple case of no one wants to give way. The murderer bribed the media so they won’t report or give airtime to the victim’s side of the story. Right now, this businessman is serving a 40-year sentence.
Mar 16, 2008 04:42
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"It is said that there are two kinds of justice in this world: One for the rich and powerful and one for everyone else."

But of course, this does not apply in the socialist PRC.
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