Converting F to Z visa - Please help!
Mar 25, 2008 08:52
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I have a visa headache going on. I have been hired to run a western owned restaurant in China. The restaurant applied for and got me an Foreigner Work License last year. In december I faxed it to my visa processor who checked with the consulate in Houston and they said I had everything i needed for a Z visa. In January when I sent in the paperwork, they told me I needed a "Z Form" or Visa invitation. At that time the consulate, psb, labor department, or anyone else couldn't tell us where to get this form. The consulate decided to issue me a one year F visa and told me they could switch it when I got the form.

Now I am in China, I found the bureau who issues the form. They are saying that I cannot get a Z visa until my current F visa expires, so they will not give me the form I need.

Does anyone know if this is accurate or if there is any way around this? Is it possible to cancel my F visa early?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Mar 25, 2008 09:19
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Update: The consulate didn't say they could switch it. They said they could cancel my F visa and give me a new Z Visa. However, the local authorities still don't want to give me the form until my current visa expires.
Mar 25, 2008 09:48
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What is wrong with working on your F visa. That's what it is for. A new visa will automatically cancel any other existing visa.

The Z visa application from is available as PDF file at the Chinese Embassy site. Just download and print the file. This is what I did for three years and with your letter of invitation to work in China you will then be issued a Z visa which will then be upgraded to a Permanent Residency Permit.

Mar 25, 2008 10:02
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The local psb has clearly told us that i cannot do any amount of work in our restaurant with a F visa. They say I must have a Z visa first. And the last time we talked to the bureau issuing the form i need, they didn't understand that a new visa automatically cancels the old one.
Apr 12, 2008 06:22
GUESTKING How can one get a permanet or longtime Z visa?[say 3 to 5 years multiple] I have been working legally in China for
6 years now. Also i have a wife from Taiwan and a son that has Taiwan passport too,though Taiwan passport is not accepted but they stay with the Chinese card,is it possible for her to get the longtime visa?
Reply needed. Thanks
Aug 4, 2014 02:18
I got a job in China based on F visa for 3 months, then how can I convert it to Z visa to eliminate the police ....!? Hope to hearing from, Kindly contact: zagross_mo[at], thanks.
Aug 4, 2014 21:57

Originally Posted by GUEST30233

I got a job in China based on F visa for 3 months, then how can I convert it to Z visa to eliminate the police ....!? Hope to hearing from, Kindly contact: zagross_mo[at], thanks.

First, you should apply for the work permit with the help of your employer. After you have it, you may go back to your country to apply for the Z type. If you do not want to get back, you may ask an agency or apply in person in HK. I can not guarantee that you can apply for your Z type successfully in HK. It says that the applicants must provide their HK resident status if they want to apply there. The agency may charge you 5000 RMB at least as service fee.
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