Looking for postal code of an apartment in Foshan
Apr 9, 2008 03:54
  • ZER061ZER0
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I am just about to pull my hair out.

I have been trying to find the postal code of an estate in Foshan Nanhai, but I can't get anywhere near the information I require.

Will anyone be able to point me to a place whereby I can get the information I require? I know my mail will get lost if I don't include the postal code in.

Apr 9, 2008 10:12
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Could you provide the address in more details, like the name of the town, Nanhai is very big.
Apr 10, 2008 21:18
  • ZER061ZER0
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Its 桂平路。
Apr 10, 2008 22:31
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The postal code is 528000.
Apr 10, 2008 23:05
  • ZER061ZER0
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