Venezuela bans "The Simpsons"
Apr 13, 2008 01:59
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Venezuela has banned US pop cartoon “ The Simpsons” from its airwaves. The Venezuela authority said that the pop cartoon might spread a bad influence on kids.

“The Simpsons” takes on a dysfunctional American family. It contains a lot of implicit nudity (sexy girls dressed in swimsuits). Before Venezuela, some parents in Britain have condemned the cartoon’s erotice scenes, which is bad for kids.

US movies and pop TVs have been highly commercialized. Producers care only about money-making.
Apr 13, 2008 04:27
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It is a sad world we live in if cartoons influence peoples lives.

When will people wake up and realise the difference between real life and fiction.

The Simpsons is a good cartoon, it is funny to both children and adults. There is a lot of comments added in it that only adults understand.
Apr 13, 2008 09:39
  • JCNILE123
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I think that it is a inanely and funny show,
The Simpson are a mirror of western society of today, not just American but western in general.
I agree with Dave, I see no harm on the show, but again I think it is plain old idiotically funny.

About Venezuela and Chavez reason to ban the show, it has to do with his personal anti-American politics instead.

I speak Spanish and some times I surf around the Venezuelan channels, nudity with a sexual explicit manifestation programs are part of the every day shows on Venezuelan TV.
Apr 13, 2008 22:24
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The third world believes that western countries are imposing their culture and values on the developing countries. Developing countries' cultures are facing the threat of western cultural assimilation. Venezuela is a relatively conservative and closed society. They can not accept drastic changes of its people's mentality.
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