Are you attractive?
Apr 15, 2008 04:08
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How do you know a man is attractive or not? Just notice whether he has many female friends around him. If so, he is definitely attractive. If he has few or no female friends, this guy is definitely not attractive. Women usually use this to know if a man is attractive or not. This is what my friend told me.

However, I am wondering if it is true. If they think a man who is surrounded by many females is attractive, they should be happy and get close to him. The fact is not. No woman would like to see their men are surrounded by many females. Otherwise, they would go crazy.

Do you think that a guy who is surrounded by a group of women is attractive?
Apr 15, 2008 11:05
  • GRIZ326
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Perhaps the man just has "sex appeal" and good looks are not essential for that. I knew a very homely man with a huge nose even by American standards ;-) ... women flocked to be with him.
Apr 15, 2008 11:32
Am I attractive ( handsome ) if I could see through the cracks in my mirror I might be able to answer, he he
Apr 15, 2008 15:35
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Have been surrounded by females only one time, that was on a subway in Chicago, Illinois back in 1975. And, I don't think it had anything to do with looks or sex appeal.
Apr 15, 2008 16:39
GUEST18107 as a general rule, yes. but i prefer to be around a nice guy who hasn't been discovered yet :-) there are some guys who are nice looking and have a good personality who haven't been found by all the women yet, then you should get there first and get to know them.
Apr 15, 2008 17:40
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Most of my friends are female in fact about 95%, so I am always surrounded by women.
There is no way I can be considered attractive but I do think I am lucky.
Apr 15, 2008 20:00
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I know a man who gets along with males all the time because of his nature of occupation and this man extremely cares how female looks at him. Actually he’s very manly or attractive although he appears clumsy before female. Sure, this is my personal opinion because he seems not that popular among women.
Apr 15, 2008 20:28
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"Are you attractive?"

Yes! Yes! Of course, I am! *dodges flying rotten tomatoes*

Since nobody will say it, I might as well say it myself!

*gets hit by a flying rotten tomato*

Darn! ^.^

Apr 15, 2008 20:32
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“No woman would like to see their men are surrounded by many females. Otherwise, they would go crazy.

Do you think that a guy who is surrounded by a group of women is attractive?”

This would depend on many factors. It can depend on the culture, the women, the man himself and what you mean by attractiveness. Attractiveness can mean many things. It can be because the person is goodlooking or it can be because the person is kind, considerate, has a sense of humor and can get along with others well. Those characteristics can draw people to a person but that doesn’t mean they are love interest. Men high on sensitivity and sense of humor are like honey to a bee. Women feel at ease with them.

Back home, it is common that a guy can be surrounded by many women and how he looks like doesn’t have anything to do with it. This usually happens in schools, at work or even in a neighborhood. They go to the malls together, dine out together, watch movies together or even hang out in each other’s house. We have this thing called ‘barkadahan’. I don’t know if there is a literal English translation but it means a tight group of friends, and when people are this close, they treat each other like brothers and sisters, sometimes more. They’ll usually put their arms on each other’s shoulder as a sign of closeness, girls or guys doesn’t matter. When foreigners see them doing this, foreigners think they’re gays or lesbians. O_o If a guy has a crush, and usually on a girl outside the circle, the girls would tease him but help him get the girl. They would give him tips on what to do. Sometimes, one of the girls would even talk to the crush to get a ‘feel’ on what she likes and to get her opinion about the guy. Who’s better to do this than another girl? ;-)

The guy sometimes plays the big brother role(even though they are of the same age usually), protecting the girls when crossing the street or scrutinizing their love interest, even ‘threatening’ him if he does something stupid to one of the girls. If they are going to get married, they usually get the friends to be the bridesmaid or best man in their wedding. If they have children, they get their friends to be the godfathers or godmothers during baptism.

This may not be the case in some cultures as they were brought up differently. In some cultures, it’s a no-no or seen as ‘immoral’ to even have friends of the opposite sex, let alone hang out with them. In other cultures, it can be construed as sexual advances. Also, it gets to the head of some men (starts to think how cool they are) when women try to be friendly to them and start thinking that they are God’s gift to women.
Apr 15, 2008 21:26
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Forget to anwer my question. Am I attractive? I think I am attractive. But I am not surrounded by women. Perhaps, I am not attractive in women's eyes :-)
Apr 15, 2008 22:38
  • JCNILE123
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"Are you attractive?"

My wife tells me I am, she loves me that is all.

Personally I do not think I ever said I'm attractive, As a young man some times I was tempted to say it, I think I have grown a little more mature, since then.

If it comes to it, I prefer others to tell me.
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