Assignment Help. Foreign Families in China Needed.
Apr 20, 2008 08:56
guest16928 Hello,

My name is Tammy and I am a photojournalist from Australia. I am interested in documenting the lives of foreign families who are now permanently residing in China. This is part of a project based on the one child policy in China. My particular interest lies within families that have many children and the impact or lack of impact, the policy has on them as both a family unit and also as individuals who have relocated.

I would appreciate any help that you may be able to provide. I also welcome any questions that you may have.

Many thanks!

Apr 21, 2008 00:40
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Hi Tammy,
I'm in Chongqing and I've no family here but I've passed on your request to our International women's group. Some of them may be interested. I've suggested they leave a private message for you.

If you google 'china international womens group' you may find direct contacts for several cities in China

Here is Chengdu's womens group web address

I wonder if you are aware how many families in China have more than one child these days?????? I teach kindergarten and find many of my students are second and third children.

All the best, this sounds like an interesting documentary.
Apr 22, 2008 03:20
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Hello Tammy, I am a bit puzzled by what you want.

First, there are very very few foreign families permanantly residing in China.
Second, you say you are documenting foreign families, but then go on to talk about the impact of the one child policy on Chinese families who have not adhered to the one child policy. Sorry, but I don't see the connection.

As a teacher in a uni, I am willing to speak with students or ask survey questions - but is this what you want?

Apr 22, 2008 03:38
GUEST16928 Hello,

Sorry for the confusion everybody!

Hopefully this clarifies things:

I am interested in photo-documenting either foreign families or couples (both native and foreign) who have an abundance of children and are currently residents in China.

Yes, the one child policy does not apply to foreign families or even to those with one native partner etc, but perhaps via documentation, the injustice of this law will become obvious?

More specifically, I am looking for volunteer families who are interested in being involved in the photographic essay.
Apr 23, 2008 09:18
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One other thing about many foreign families in China. Many of them live quite insulated lives often with very little direct contact with Chinese families.

And while this policy may be unjust with some dire social consequences, it has helped to slow what most likely would have brought about continued and disastrous growth in an already heavily populated country and positive changes to the socio-economics of the majority of Chinese families.

Apr 23, 2008 09:22
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Regarding your comment about the injustice of this law.

It is painfully obvious to all who live here in China but what else could be done. Propose an alternative..................................
Apr 24, 2008 01:06
GUEST16928 Yes, precisely... painfully obvious to those who live in China but not so much in other countries. People are aware that this exists but aren't informed about many nuances and personal situations. There is no short fix to the complexity of the issues.
Apr 25, 2008 12:54
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Stating 'the injustice of the law will become obvious' shows an incredible prejudice. It seems you are not seeking to produce an objective or academically sound analysis but have already made up your mind. If you produce a photographic essay of large families, you hardly have a normal sample of families, but the makings of a piece of propaganda.

For the record, the law never applied to a large part of the population, it is soundly supported by much of the population, and has now been eased.
Apr 25, 2008 21:57
GUEST16928 Let me stress that I am not basing my essay on a bias opinion. There are people who say that this law is unjust and others that beg to differ. Obviously there have been both negative and positive feedback based on this policy, which is why I choose to question it.

The reason for the focus on large families in this post, is due to the fact that I have been conducting research on single child families to date and am trying to get the next perspective.

I realise now that this may have come across as a purely one sided story and I apologise for that misunderstanding.

I do however question the remark, 'supported by much of the population'. Perhaps this is your own opinion? It has proven to be highly controversial. Causing abortion, neglect, disproportionate number of males to females and on the other hand, reduced rate of famine and aided economic development, amongst others.

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