"It's getting ugly out there" by Jack Cafferty
Apr 28, 2008 21:55
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"Very little of my backstory qualifies as Hallmark Card material, but it may help you to make sense of the way I see and interpret what's going on around me."
-Jack Cafferty

Excerpt of Description

For the millions who watch the "Cafferty File" on CNN's The Situation Room, Jack Cafferty stands for common sense-the much-needed voice of reason who skewers right-wing nut jobs and liberal eggheads alike. For years, he's voiced the views, hopes, and fears of the average American in inimitable style. Now, in It's Getting Ugly Out There, he brings that level-headed wisdom to bear on the most critical issues facing us today-and explains why Americans must take our country back from those who are harming it.

"It's been a target-rich seven years for someone like me who enjoys pushing people's buttons and sticking pins in things that need pricking, from rich and fatuous celebrities offering foreign policy analysis to the latest lying Beltway blowhard impaling himself on his sword of pomposity. . . . Anyone familiar with my daily 'Cafferty File' segments on CNN's The Situation Room knows I'm not exactly what you'd call the mainstream media's poster boy for feel-good news and commentary. In your face is more like it."

"I'm no shrink, but I have the sense Bush has carried an angry chip on his shoulder much of his pampered life, seething just beneath the good-old-boy surface."

"The bottom line is that our government no longer works for us. The government works for the lobbyists who have had a big hand in influencing (if not helping to draft) legislation favoring not the average American citizen but instead big business: health insurance, pharmaceutical and oil companies, and defense contractors, among others. These are the guys who can make the kinds of political contributions that are needed to finance today's multi-million-dollar political campaigns."

"We want our troops home, but we also want a new army of elected officials to march into Washington and take a fresh, uncorrupted look at the needs of the vast majority of Americans. If these two parties, however 2008 breaks, can't fix what's broken, this way of life as we've known it may vanish into some deep, dark crevasse."

Apr 28, 2008 22:04
  • JCNILE123
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This joker Cafferty is happy because Marrie is giving him an audience, and that is all he wants.

Cafferty is a nobody.
Apr 28, 2008 22:42
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Now Jack Cafferty has become the most famous in the world. At least, he has been remembered by Chinese people. Isn't it a good way to be famous? Just kidding!
Apr 29, 2008 07:14
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Although I typically agree with much of what Cafferty says, he could have been a little more tactful in his statements. Do I agree with how the Chinese Government operates? In many cases absolutely not. Do I agree with what much of the US Government does? Absolutely not. Both countries are rife with corruption and big business manipulation. That being said, I'll still choose democracy/free market capitalism over just about any other system.
Apr 29, 2008 10:17
  • GRIZ326
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>>>I'll still choose democracy/free market capitalism over just about any other system

There are great advantages living in the USA, but there are comparable advantages in just about every other country in the world.

I could live anywhere, but the USA is my home; being my home makes the USA just a little bit better for me. My choice has nothing to do with democracy or free market capitalism.

I do not know if you have been to China yet, Jeff, but China is a wonderful place. Even though I don't speak the language, can't read the menus and depend on the kindness of strangers ... the country and people warm my heart.

After seeing a good bit of the world as a merchant seaman, only China made me feel at home.
Apr 29, 2008 11:09
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Would any Chinese TV networks hire Mr. Jack Cafferty? (He would definitely add a little "spice" to the programming).
Apr 29, 2008 19:33
  • JCNILE123
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(((Would any Chinese TV networks hire Mr. Jack Cafferty? (He would definitely add a little "spice" to the programming).)))

Can Cafferty have the cojones, to go out of the CNN roof and woof, woof, woof like a big dog? ...he is just a little Chihuahua behind a magnify glass.
Apr 29, 2008 19:45
  • JCNILE123
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CNN ANCHOR Jack Cafferty "Brushes" a Cyclist, What can we learn from this?

August 5th 2003, Jack Cafferty, that charming curmudgeon on CNN's Morning News Broadcast made his own news by pleading guilty to using his Cadillac with Jersey Press Plates to ruin bicyclist Billy Maldonado's day on May 14th. It appears that the "sudden turn" made by Cafferty "knocked Billy" off his bike, which the Caddy then dragged for several blocks as five people attempted to get Cafferty's attention and stop him, to no avail!

According to, "A traffic officer and about five pedestrians ran after Cafferty's car to stop him after the accident, but Cafferty drove through at least two red lights and around other vehicles without stopping, according to a police complaint" and it gets better "Cafferty later told police that he had seen a man on a bike who may have been a messenger weaving in and out of traffic as Cafferty drove south along Ninth Avenue around 10:25 a.m. When Cafferty looked in his mirror, he saw the man getting up off the ground but was unaware he had hit the bicyclist, the anchor told police." Maldonato who was knocked to the ground suffered bruises and according to his lawyer he needs an operation on his right elbow.

Not that this is a function of his celebrity status or anything like that, but it seems that Cafferty was allowed to plea down to... are you ready... are you really really ready? Operating a motor vehicle knowing, or having cause to know, that property damage had been caused. He was fined $250 and given SIX MONTHS to complete 70 hours of community service! Gee, I wonder if we could get him too run a bike club?

For his part, Cafferty surprisingly had no comment, but the criminal complaint said that he told police that he had seen the Bicyclist get off the ground, but that he didn't realize that he had hit him. "I am unaware I was in an accident," he said. Famous last words!

It is this writer's opinion that had Cafferty been reporting this story, his typical offhanded disdain would show through drippingly as he inferred his repugnance at the actions of the driver. Isn't it strange how the worm turns when the shoe is on the other foot? So bear in mind once again that the only one you can truely rely upon for your personal safety while riding amongst traffic is you! For more help with riding strategies check the article on Road Riding Safety to the left of this page! And perhaps, allow your disdain to show through by clicking off when certain celerities are on the air?

"This was never anything more than a traffic incident. It was resolved as a traffic infraction. Jack acted responsibly in this, as he always has," said Cafferty's attorney, Seth Rosenberg.

Apr 29, 2008 21:54
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JC, I watch CNN Lou Dobbs and Wolf Blizter's programme, Jack Cafferty, as guest reporter, gives the impression that he is induldging broadcasting reading his report with presbyopic glasses on his big nose. He looks a good old boy. I guess Jack must have been drunk, or as Gary said that he was out of bound by accident when he commentated on Chinese (China?)
May 4, 2008 20:48
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"I guess Jack must have been drunk, or as Gary said that he was out of bound by accident when he commentated on Chinese (China?)"

Marrie, if he were drunk, he wouldn't appear in front of the screen. I guess that there must be something wrong with his head that day. Seriously, many people have misunderstandings of China. Chairman Mao once said:"No investigation, no right to speak." For those who misunderstand China, they should go there and do some investigations and then air their opinions.
May 4, 2008 22:09
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Jimmy, as Apault said, US is purely driven by market rule. And did you notice another westerner - Gary said, Jack could spread spicy if Jack is introduced on Chinese TV show. Also like JC said that Jack was nobody. So, can we make this conclusion: Jack is marketing himself for the sake of increasing the sales volume of his works like IT'S UGLY OUT THERE.
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