Men doing more housework can help decrease divorce rate
May 3, 2008 01:14
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According to Finnish media, Finland's minister for culture and sports, Stefan Wallin has a message for men--do more housework, help with the children and spend more time at home.

"Equality starts at home," Wallin, Finland's minister for culture and sports, said in an interview on the sidelines of an annual gathering of the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women. Wallin said he hoped a time would come when no one would ask if any position--at home or the office--was right for a man or woman.

"Take more responsibility for things at home," was Wallin's message to men with families. The benefits of this go beyond the simple creation of an egalitarian relationship enabling women to free themselves from the traditional role of mother and housewife. "The more the fathers take responsibility for things at home, the less divorces you have," he said. "There's a direct correlation. It is, of course, also about respecting each other and trying to make life easier for each other."

Governments and employers must also ensure that men and women have an equal chance to spend time at home when children are born. He is pushing a Finnish plan that he calls "six plus six plus six," under which mothers and fathers would get six months of maternity and paternity leave each and another six months to divide among themselves. It is based on a model in Iceland, where mothers and fathers get three months each and another three to divide.

May 3, 2008 11:44
  • GRIZ326
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It's a nice thought, but I doubt that it can change the divorce rate.

His 6+6+6 is a costly program. Who pays for it?

Western society has changed. Since the advent of the birth control pill women have become sexually loose (men have always been loose). This sexual liberation and economic equality changed the game. Women no longer need men to survive; only to procreate which can be accomplished artificially.
May 3, 2008 11:48
  • GRIZ326
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Another thing, religion's influence on society has waned. When I was a boy, divorce was taboo; my parents would not say the word at the dinner table - they would spell it.

The point is that social changes changed the nature of marriage. Modern marriage is no longer until death do us part; it is "until I get a better offer." :-(
May 3, 2008 12:55
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With all respect for Wallin,
Swedish Folkparty is a marginal influencer, but always taken into government to say yes to bigger parties. Minister of culture and sports is least wanted post because of minimal possibilities really do something important.
So it it can as well be given to someone without brain. Well, this time it has been done again.
Wallin has proved again that to talk holes into ones head donĀ“t need brain.

May 3, 2008 12:57
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He he, and I am happy today! So, Stefan, You were lucky today. LOL

May 3, 2008 20:26
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"Women no longer need men to survive; only to procreate which can be accomplished artificially. "

Griz326, how about men? Men still need women to survive. Men can not procreate because they don't have wombs.
May 5, 2008 13:26
  • GRIZ326
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Yes, SUMMERSNOW, men need women. However, male mammals are not monogamous creatures by nature so the need is to procreate rather than create a family unit. Historically, women were the creators and keepers of the family unit. That is why the changes brought on by the feminist movement potentially threaten human existence. For the first time in human existence, men and women compete for food...and I'm not talking about who gets the last bite at the dinner table. The saving grace is likely to be the adaptable nature of the human species...or not.
May 5, 2008 21:17
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>>However, male mammals are not monogamous creatures by nature so the need is to procreate rather than create a family unit. Historically, women were the creators and keepers of the family unit. That is why the changes brought on by the feminist movement potentially threaten human existence.<<

Griz, are you researching on anthropology? Men are polygamous creatures by nature. He he, how is your research progressing? Have you made any scientific breakthrough? LOL!
May 6, 2008 10:54
  • GRIZ326
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You are trying to get me into trouble Leonardo!!! ;-)

I've watched people for many years. The truth is that when it comes to mating people are a lot like white tail deer, however some people behave more like mule deer. ...and my tongue is only partially in my cheek. :-)
May 19, 2008 07:39
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Hey, Griz is right. But for men not to be monogamous it means women must also be non monogamous so that shoots a hole in the second half of the theory.... unless there is a small number of very busy women about :)

I believe that monogamy is 'not natural', but a social invention. That is not a comment on the desirability of monogamy in the modern world, that is a separate issue.

Can 'we' use it as an excuse??????
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