CNTA Asked Tourists not to Visit the Earthquake-stuck Area!
May 16, 2008 02:41
  • CHERRY07
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On the afternoon of May 12, 2008, China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) issued an emergency notice on stopping organizing tourists to go to or pass through the earthquake-affected areas in Sichuan.

The notice said that a 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Wenchuan County of Sichuan province in southwest China on the afternoon of May 12, 2008, which seriously affected the production and daily life of the local people. The disaster relief work is now being carried out in those areas.

To ensure the relief work and the safety of the tourists, the notice asked all travel agencies in China to stop organizing tourists to go to or pass through the earth-struck areas. The tourist groups, which have been organized, should immediately stop passing through earthquake-stuck areas. CNTA also reminds individual tourists not to go to or pass through those areas for their own safety for the time being.
CHINA International Travel Service (CITS) says all tours to Sichuan are cancelled until further notice as a result of the south-western province being hit by a massive earthquake, with its epicentre in Wenchuan County, on Monday.

A CITS Marketing and Development Department spokesman said: “We had four Beijing groups scheduled to travel to Jiuzhaigou this week.

“Those tour groups have been cancelled. Some even called us to cancel after they heard about the earthquake.”

Jiuzhaigou valley is a popular tourist attraction located 450km north of Chengdu, Sichuan’s capital.

The spokesman noted that CITS now had four groups touring through Sichuan, and its Beijing office made contact with the tour leaders on Monday and confirmed all were doing well.

To supplement: Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport has resumed operation on Tuesday. Due to the strong earthquake, the airport once had been closed on Monday, which made 169 inbound flights and 108 outbound flights stop there.(
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