I'm back, did you all miss me???
May 18, 2008 07:23
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I have just got back today from my latest 3 week trip around China. Plenty of new experiences for me and wonderful places to see. Photos on my website as soon as I can.

Sadly the earthquake overshadowed my trip and really put things into perspective, my heart goes out to all those affected.
May 18, 2008 07:38
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Where have you been? Of course we didn't miss you!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Too much has been happening here.

Very tragic but at the same time inspirational as we see people all over China responding with such generosity and support
May 18, 2008 12:39
  • GRIZ326
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Funny Dave.

Welcome back. Did you get married?

May 18, 2008 16:28
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No marriage, met some new friends so plenty of emailing coming up.

I flew into HK, went to Foshan to see old friends, Zhaoqing, Kaiping, Yangshuo, Guilin, Ping'an and Fenghuang. Loads and loads of rain, tons of new experiences ( how many of you can say you fell into the terraced rice fields?) got bitten by every mosquito in China, tried plenty of new food.

My best bit, seeing Fenghuang early morning with mist. It was awesome.
May 18, 2008 20:24
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Wellcome back, Dave!
Bet Your camera did sing in Fenghuan morning. :=)

Hardly can wait to see Your latest photos.
Anyway, try to have some social life too.

May 19, 2008 00:31
  • JCNILE123
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Good to see you back!
May 19, 2008 00:58
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did you really see Fenghuang, but it's a bird from imagination. did you see dragon accompaning in mist also?
May 19, 2008 02:19
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It cant be from imagination, I saw one in the town square. Didn't see any dragons though.

May 19, 2008 05:30
Hi Dave, good to know you are back and no doubt on the hunt for that new job!
My search is still going on, I got replaced by a Polish immigrant myself on less pay I expect!!
Anyway good luck with the search mate.
May 19, 2008 06:59
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No Dave, but good to see u again. I see u have been to Zhaoqing and Yangmei... good choices.

I know very few words of Chinese but Fenghuang, is one of them (yeah, weird). In English it is the Phoenix, the mythical bird that was born out of the ashes (of something or other... hey you got search engines, look it up for yourselves :) :) :) )

May 19, 2008 20:53
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Dave, good to hear that the trip went well. Look forward to seeing some pics.
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