Vocabulary: Fruits, Vegetables and Seasonings.
Jun 5, 2008 04:00
  • ZOEY
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Lemon 柠(níng)檬(méng)
Pear 梨子(lí zǐ)
Banana 香蕉(xiāng jiāo)
Grape 葡(pú)萄(táo)
Apple苹果(píng guǒ)
Peach 桃子(táo zi)
Strawberry 草莓(cǎo méi)
Mango 芒果(máng guǒ)
Pineapple 菠萝(bō luó), 凤梨(fèng lí)
Kiwi 奇(qí)异(yì)果(guǒ)
Honeydew-melon 蜜瓜(mì guā)
Cherry 樱(yīng)桃(táo)
Date 枣(zǎo)子(zi)
lychee 荔枝(lì zhī)
Grape fruit 葡萄柚(pú táo yòu)
Coconut 椰子(yē zi)
Fig 无花果(wú huā guǒ)
Jun 5, 2008 04:01
  • ZOEY
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味精(wèi jīng)monosodium glutamate
醋(cù) vinegar
白醋(bái cù) white vinegar
乌(wū)醋(cù) black vinggar
酱(jiàng)油(yóu) soy sauce
蚝油(háo yóu) oyster sauce
麻油(má yóu) sesame oil
白酒(bái jiǔ) white spirits
米酒(mǐ jiǔ) rice wine
桂花酒(guì huā jiǔ) osmanthus-flavored wine
芝麻酱(zhī ma jiàng) Sesame paste
辣椒醬(là jiāo jiàng) chili sauce
南乳(nán rǔ) ermented red beancurd
姜粉(jiāng fěn) ginger powder
调味蕃茄醬(tiáo wèi fān qié jiàng) ketchup
蕃茄醬(fān qié jiàng) tomato paste
豆瓣酱(dòu bàn jiàng) chilli bean sauce
Jun 5, 2008 04:03
  • ZOEY
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Potato 马铃薯(mǎ líng shǔ)
Carrot 红萝卜(hóng luó bo)
Onion 洋葱(yáng cōng)
Celery 芹菜(qín cài)
White Cabbage 包心菜(bāo xīn cài)
Red cabbage 紫色包心菜(zǐ sè bāo xīn cài)
Cucumber黄瓜(huáng guā)
Tomato 蕃茄(fān qié)
Sweet corn 甜玉米(tián yù mǐ)
Cauliflower 花椰菜(huā yē cài)
Spring onions 葱(cōng)
Garlic 大蒜(dà suàn)
Ginger 姜(jiāng)
Chinese leaves 大白菜(dà bái cài)
Leeks 韭菜(jiǔ cài)
Green Pepper 青椒(qīng jiāo)
Red pepper 红椒(hóng jiāo)
Yellow pepper 黄(huáng)椒(jiāo)
Mushroom 蘑菇(mó gū)
Coriander 香菜(xiāng cài)
Dwarf Bean 四季豆(sì jì dòu)
Lettuce 莴苣菜(wō jù cài)
Jun 5, 2008 09:34
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I have learnt tu dou for potato
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