Chinese soldiers oath at enlistment?
Jun 11, 2008 16:44
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Is it still true that when entering the Peoples Liberation Army the enlistee swears allegiance to the Chinese Communist Party and not to the Peoples Republic of China?
I know the body of Mao is wrapped in the Hammer-and-Sickle flag of the Communist party and not the National flag. Do you think this odd?
Jun 11, 2008 22:40
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Is it still true that when entering the Peoples Liberation Army the enlistee swears allegiance to the Chinese Communist Party and not to the Peoples Republic of China?

Partly "yes", partly "nay".

My father has ever been an enlistee. Here is the enlistee’s oath:

(Simple and free translation)

I am a member of People's Liberation Army. I swear:

I am willing to be under the leadership of CPC, serve the people wholeheartedly, obey the orders and discipline, be brave in battle; ------------Under no circumstances would I betray the People’s Republic of China and the PLA.

The enlistee must swear allegiance to the CPC. This is the first line of the entire oath. In the latter part of the oath, it reads: "under no circumstances would I betray the People's Republic of China and the PLA.” Therefore, the enlistee swears allegiance to both the CPC and PRC. China's political system is different from USA (Donkey and Elephant seesaw game). CPC is the only leader of PRC.

As I remember, another thread addressed the topic "power comes from the barrel of a gun". If you have read Chinese revolutionary history, you will understand why the CPC and Chairman Mao set the rule that CPC has absolute control over the troops. The rule was set since the founding of PLA in 1927. The Nanchang Uprising in August 1 1927 led to the founding of PLA. It was the result of the first Chinese Civil War between CPC and Kuomingtang (KMT). Dr Sun Yat-sen, the founding father of KMT, allied with CPC to fight against feudal warlords. After Sun Yat-sen died in 1925, Jiang Jie-shi and Wang Jingwei took over KMT. The political dissent and interest conflicts between CPC and KMT escalated day after day. Finally, the cooperation between two political parties completely aborted in April 12, 1927 when Jiang launched a massive manhunt of CPC members. CPC suffered a great loss in the campaign because the troops of CPC were under the command of KMT. CPC learnt a lesson from the failure and launched the Nanchang Uprising under the leadership of Chou Enlai. That's why CPC want to exercise absolute authority over the PLA. As you mentioned in the thread, "political power flows from the muzzle of a gun."
Jun 13, 2008 04:12
  • BLUESKY001
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What about the American soldiers' oath at enlistment? To whom they swore an allegiance ? USA or president?
Jun 13, 2008 16:41
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Soldiers enlisting in the United States Army take this oath:
"I, ( name) do solemnly swear ( or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
It is worth pointing out here that although the President is Commander-in-chief of the armed forces, Congress makes all military regulations and laws. Also only Congress can appropriate money for the Military. The Supreme Court decides if the laws Congress passes are legal according to the Constitution.
Jun 14, 2008 00:35
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constitution is more advanced than the elite bureaucracy, the latter is vulnerable to the nature of human fallibility and personal interest and ambitions of dictators that leads to government failure.
Jun 14, 2008 07:36
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"Elite bureaucracy......vulnerable to the nature of human fallibility and personal interest and ambitions of dictators that leads to government failure"
True words for "puppet regimes" established in Central and South America from the early 1900's and carried forward with "freedom of the people" as the excuse and "raping of the natural resources " as the main purpose.
Jun 14, 2008 11:44
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Puppet states are surbordinated to outsider powers like contries in central america and today's Balcon countries where there is no political and social stability.

East Asia political regime historically is staffed by managerial elit, the cons are stated already, the pros seems reflected in the economic development since 1960. however, whether the institution repression or political economy is sustainable for the long term remains being dynamicly tested or reshaped since context of development is worldwide and the sucessful exprience from west shoud be refrenced instead of copied.
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