Can I find a cheap and convenient accommodation like Youth Hostels in Beijing during 2008 Game ?
Jul 3, 2008 10:53
GUEST42174 I wish to find a house during the Games. Please give me some details about youur apartment by email|tiandou Thinks. Gary Holltoom
Jul 16, 2008 19:13
GUEST61104 I have a partment fro renting at the Game. The price is surprising low. 3000RMB/month.
contact with my by Email:|zhang001zhuhua
Jul 17, 2008 01:28
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Hello !!! I'm from UK, and now I have not yet find a suitable apartment, we 3 people ! Stay at Beijing from 6- 20 Agust.
My email:|rain.liang
Jul 22, 2008 09:37
GUEST45145 Yes,you can cantact with me for discussing the price and other conditions. 86 10 68481875
Jul 31, 2008 05:47
  • DAPANG11
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  • Join Date: Jul 27, 2008
  • Status: Offline
Give me more details concering the group, please.
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