I Need Some Advice
Jun 18, 2008 18:31
  • ADAM87
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I'll try keep this short.

I've been planning coming to Shanghai for a while now, I would like to become a English tutor in Shanghai. Just a new life, I am not liking life in the UK.

I'm just a little confused over the visa rules.

Little background on me, I'm young (only 20), and have no experience teaching English but I'm fluent in English as it is my first language.

I want residency and a work visa, I know I cannot become a permanent resident but I can reside in Shanghai, having to renew the visa often which I wouldn't mind at all.

I have a few worries. Is teaching English warrant a visa or do I need to be in higher skilled? And remember I have no experience in English teaching, so how hard would it be for me to find work?

I hope someone can answer my questions.

Thank you very much.
Jun 18, 2008 18:40
  • ADAM87
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Sorry for the double post but I made a little mistake.

Does teaching English warrant a visa or do I need to be higher skilled?

Before someone points out my mistake, I want to point it out first haha! It is very late and has been a long day, so please excuse my mistake!
Jun 19, 2008 05:07
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Hi Adam,
Of course it would help if you were my highly skilled but..................

First, you need a job to get a work visa.

Second, to get a job you need to apply for some. You'll find these posted on ESL websites. Do a thorough search before making any commitment. Positions in Shanghai should but don't always require more qualifications - at least TESOL certification.

Third, keep in mind that a job that requires no qualifications or experience may not be the best.

Read other teacher blogs and postings so that you know what you are getting into.
Shanghai is also a more expensive city to live so your salary may not go as far it it would in many other places..
Jun 26, 2008 12:38
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Adam. You didn't just make one mistake - I counted at least five, with a couple of other badly phrased sentences. I don't think you are in a good position to teach English to others. If you were just having a bad day (we all have them!), then I would suggest doing a TEFL course before you go to China. You can do part one over a single weekend, and then the second part can be done in your own time. With this qualification, you will have much more luck being taken seriously. Look it up online, and you should find a course close to you in the coming weeks.

Officially you need a Z visa to teach English in China, but the authorities turn a blind eye to many people, allowing them to do it on an F Visa. To get a Z visa, you would need to have a degree in English - something which you clearly do not have. If you managed to find a teaching job, then the college or university who offered you the position should be able to sort out your F visa. I imagine it will be far more difficult (considering your lack of experience and qualifications) to get a teaching job in a big city such as Shanghai, than it would be in a smaller town. Maybe you should look outside of Shanghai.
Apr 30, 2012 02:20
GUEST14560 Need a working visa, provided by the school, skills depends on the level of the students. College needs high degree. Kids, just play with them. You need smoke crack? Go to nearest crack dealer from africa.
Apr 30, 2012 03:38
GUESTPENNY as far as I know, the work visa is very hard to apply. maybe you can apply for an L visa first which allows you staying in China for about one month, and then after you get a job in China, you can apply for a work visa then.
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