Should "China's Mother No.1" be promoted for breastfeeding orphan babies in quake?
Jun 20, 2008 03:38
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Jiang Xiaojuan, a 29-year-old policewoman, was hailed as "China's Mother No.1" or "Madonna of China" for selfless breast-feeding 9 infants who was orphaned or separated from their mothers in the earthquake. More nobly, her child was under six months old and was still being breastfed at that moment.

As a mother, she was great and noble. She left her own child unfed at home, but giving her nourishing milk to the five infants whose moms died in the disaster and another four newborn babies whose mums were traumatized and their milk stopped flowing.

She was quite humble. As the media propagated her noble deeds, she was embarrassed by the fuss and said: "I am breast-feeding, so I can feed babies … This was a small thing, not worth mentioning." "I feel about these kids I fed just like my own. I have a special feeling for them."

I am certain that many mothers in the world were touched deeply by Jiang Xiaojuan. After the quake, the whole country is trying to salute the "China's Mother No.1" through various means. The local government was trying to honor her by promoting Jiang Xiaojuan to a higher position. Well, some Chinese netizens had different opions on the promotion. Therefore, the local government delayed the promotion and appointment on June 18, 2008.

What are your views on the issue? Should Jiang Xiaojuan be promoted for breastfeeding orphan babies in the earthquake?

Jun 20, 2008 21:18
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Salute to Jiang Xiaojuan! Is she not qualified to be promoted? She was a good officer and a great mother. What she did was beyond the call of her duty. She saved 9 babies' lives!
Jun 21, 2008 20:18
GUEST21558 In these kinds of cases we usually honour this kind of behaviour with public ceremony and some kind of civil medal or award if there is such a thing.

She should only be promoted in her job on the merits of her abilities in the job. I imagine she will be under closer scrutiny in the future for just such an opportunity to occur if her skills and abilities in her job warrant a promotion.

Jun 22, 2008 01:15
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Deserves to be a front cover photo on some global magazine cover
A shame National Geographic couldn't have included it in their issue on China but the quake happened either after or near publication.(I guess). And there were numerous photos of the quake and the humanity involved that were really heart rendering.
Jun 23, 2008 22:55
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Why not honor her by promoting? She is a capable officer. She demonstrated her ability and her devotion to the people in the disaster. She is a good public servant.
Jun 25, 2008 01:40
  • JCNILE123
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Others get promoted for doing nothing, She is a public servant that have show she will serve and protect the life of others..

Good public servant she is.
Jun 25, 2008 05:00
GUEST1354 She has been promoted to the higher position by the Mianyang municipal government. A dutiful public servant!
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