Russian opinion poll: USA is "Enemy No.1"
Jun 20, 2008 04:46
  • JOHNNY512
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An opinion poll by a Russian research institute revealed that the majority of Russians viewed USA as the biggest enemy. 33% Russians surveyed thought that America was hostile to Russia. Georgia was thought to the second largest enemy by Russians.

In the "Russian Allies" list, 35.5% surveyed viewed Belorussia as Russia's close friends, followed by China (18%), Germany (16.7%), Armenia (12.7%), France(9.4%) and Italy (9.1%).
The shadow of "the Cold War' remains there?

Military leaders from Russia and China held talks

Jun 20, 2008 20:52
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When did Russia and USA begin feuding with each other? Did the feud start since the end of the Second World War?
Jun 22, 2008 08:49
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Ever since the early 1800's Russia has been a friend of the United States. During the American Civil War the Russian Government supported the US Federal Govt. In a show of solidarity when there was a fear that France and England would side with the Rebel Confederate government, the Russian Navy sailed to the US and visited New York in a veiled threat to the other countries that Russia would stand by the US.
It was in New Hampshire that the US President helped Russia and Japan end their war in 1905. During the First World War US factories supplied arms and ammunition to the Russian Army. US soldiers and sailors fought against the early Bolshivek troops overthrowing the Czarist Government. During the Second World War the US provided food, clothing, ammunition, aircraft, tanks, trucks and jeeps to the Stalin Government.
When the Stalin Govt. imposed the "Iron Curtain" ( A term coined by Winston Churchill) they chose to consolidate their gains from WW2 ( Latvia, Estonia,Poland, East Germany, North Korea and others) and created fear of the West as a tool to bond their peoples and make an excuse for the hardships the people experienced.
Today we see Putin employing the same tricks; creating fear among his people as a way to ensure their loyalty - not to Russia but to him.
It is an old trick and it still works.
Jun 22, 2008 15:03
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Johnny, i suspect the integrety of this survey. I know an architech from Armenia, an immigrant, he said to us someday that he likes US coz US gives them lots of economic aids. I have no political comments on this but i think for general public, we just take care of our well beings. politics is business and this is non of our business
Jun 22, 2008 17:06
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Marrie, I agree, surveys like this one are always a little suspect.
And again, politics are not our business here.
Jun 22, 2008 20:10
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There are a lot of Russian immigrants in the United States. There are even Russian communities here.
Jun 22, 2008 21:09
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The feud between Russia and America can be traced back to the Bolshivek Revolution led by Lenin. As YINDUFFYhas pointed out, American troops interfered in the Bolshivek Revolution. USA helped the Czarist Government put down the early Bolshivek troops. Finally, Lenin led the Bolshivek Revolution to the victory. After that, the Bolshivek party( later Russian communists) has always taken the power of Russia. The rift of the bilateral ties formed in the Bolshivek Revolution was never erased.
Jun 22, 2008 23:42
  • JCNILE123
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Good point Marrie, Dodger and She.

I just ADD... If the same question is, ask to a good group of average Chinese citizens possible the answer can be any thing like the Tibetan Lama or perhaps the Japanese.

No need to go any further!
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