Should they be fined?
Jul 3, 2008 03:15
  • CHERRY07
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Do you have the habit of offering your seat to the elderly on the bus? If you have, congratulations! If you don't, you might be in trouble. According to a rule of the public transport regulations( draft) in Zhengzhou, if you refuse to offer your seat to the elderly, you will be asked to get off the bus. More seriously, you will be fined 50 yuan for failing to fufil your "obligation".

In my view, those who offer seats to the old people are models in morality and worth our respect. However, I think that there is no need to make a rule to force others to offer their seats to others. Do you agree to the rule?

"Those who refuse to offer their seats will be fined 50 yuan??????"

Jul 4, 2008 02:33
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It always used to happen here in England, we woul offer our seats to elderly or women with children.

Sadly nowadays its everyone for themselves, if there's a seat its mine sort of attitude. The reason is that we now have generations of people who don't have respect.

A fine is a good idea to try to get people back into the respectful way.
Jul 4, 2008 15:44
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I think its a good way to whip the youth into shape.
Jul 4, 2008 17:59
  • JCNILE123
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(((models in morality and worth our respect)))

I agree that we shall show respect to our elder.
However, I do not agree to call the ones that refuse to do it "immoral"
This has nothing to do with morality.
Jul 5, 2008 04:00
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"However, I do not agree to call the ones that refuse to do it "immoral"
This has nothing to do with morality."

JC, what do you think of those guys who refuse to offter seats to the elderly? It reminds me of an interesting story. An 70 years old man went on a bus, just standing on the floor since there was no spare seat. The driver saw the old man so that he said to the passenger:" Could someone give up his seat for this old man"? No one stood up. The driver said again. Still, no response. Then he said to the old man:" Please come over here. You can have my seat." Then a guy stood up and said:" You can have my seat, old man."

Isn't the driver clever?
Jul 5, 2008 09:32
  • JCNILE123
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(((JC, what do you think of those guys who refuse to offer seats to the elderly)))


I think of “that” people, as people that have been touch by a wave of reversal civilization.

I have no respect for them.

I respect the driver’s attitude toward the elder.

Again, I do not consider not giving a seat to the elder an act of immorality, but an uncivilized act of ignorance that can eventually lead to immorality and cruelty.

I can worry my self very much, to have a child or an elder person to be care for by an individual that fails to yield a seat to an elder.
Jul 7, 2008 01:53
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I don’t see the point of bringing in more laws that can’t be policed. Do you put a cop on every train?
Having said that I see people every day giving up their seats for mothers and the elderly here in Beijing.
I suppose I’ll start worrying when they start offering me their seat…
Jul 7, 2008 22:36
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"I suppose I’ll start worrying when they start offering me their seat…"

Dodger, why do you worry about it? Is it because you won't other people take you as "old" guys? Just kidding! You are not as that old, hehe.

Once I saw a very shameless guy on the train. He had no 坐票 (Zuo 4 Piao) (Sorry, I don't know how to say it in English). However, he found a seat and sat there comfortablely. When another guy came over and asked him to get away the seat (he had the ticket for this seat), he refused to stand up. Without other ways, that guy asked the guard on the train for help. The guard came required that shameless guy to stand up and gave the seat back. He still refused to leave. Finally, they made a compromise---two men shared one seat. Never seen such a shameless guy before.
Jul 8, 2008 16:26
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There is a saying " You can't legislate morality." In other words, just passing a law will not necesarily change people's attitudes. A good public information campaign will accomplish more.
Passing laws that the public considers silly will only make them lose faith in their government.
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